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使用 3 x 1 4.5 x 1
C =选择-> C(n,k)= n!/r!(n-r)!一次在r处的组n的组合
面板:7.5 x 1 = 2种方式->
1(3 x 1块)和1(4.5 x 1块)->仅使用2个块-> 2 C 1 = 2种方式
面板:7.5 x 2 = 2种方式
1(3 x 1块)和1(4.5 x 1块)-> 2 C 1 = 2种方式
面板:12 x 3面板= 2种方式->
2(4.5 x 1块)和1(3 x 1块)-> 3 C 1 = 3种方式
0(4.5 x 1块)和4(3 x 1块)-> 4 C 0 = 1路
3种方式+ 1种方式= 4种方式
面板27 x 5面板= 7958种方式
6(4.5 x 1块)和0(3 x 1)-> 6 C 0 = 1路
4(4.5 x 1块)和3(3 x 1块)-> 7 C 3 = 35种方式
2(4.5 x 1块)和6(3 x 1块)-> 8 C 2 = 28种方式
0(4.5 x 1块)和9(3 x 1块)-> 9 C 0 = 1路
1路+ 35路+ 28路+ 1路= 65路
另外,我如何找到构造48 x 10面板的几种方法?




import java.util.Arrays;

public class Puzzle
    // Initial solve call
    public static int solve(int width, int height)
        // Double the widths so we can use integers (6x1 and 9x1)
        int[] prev = {-1};      // Make sure we don't get any collisions on the first layer
        return solve(prev, new int[0], width * 2, height);

    // Build the current layer recursively given the previous layer and the current layer
    private static int solve(int[] prev, int[] current, int width, int remaining)
        // Check whether we have a valid frame
        if(remaining == 0)
            return 1;

        if(current.length > 0)
            // Check for overflows
            if(current[current.length - 1] > width)
                return 0;

            // Check for aligned gaps
            for(int i = 0; i < prev.length; i++)
                if(prev[i] < width)
                    if(current[current.length - 1] == prev[i])
                        return 0;

            // If we have a complete valid layer
            if(current[current.length - 1] == width)
                return solve(current, new int[0], width, remaining - 1);

        // Try adding a 6x1
        int total = 0;
        int[] newCurrent = Arrays.copyOf(current, current.length + 1);
        if(current.length > 0)
            newCurrent[newCurrent.length - 1] = current[current.length - 1] + 6;
            newCurrent[0] = 6;
        total += solve(prev, newCurrent, width, remaining);

        // Try adding a 9x1
        if(current.length > 0)
            newCurrent[newCurrent.length - 1] = current[current.length - 1] + 9;
            newCurrent[0] = 9;
        total += solve(prev, newCurrent, width, remaining);

        return total;

    // Main method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // e.g. 27x5, outputs 7958
        System.out.println(Puzzle.solve(27, 5));

10-06 13:55