

这些序列以a2m格式记录,其中序列中的插入被记录为小写字符。因此,在最终输出中,ZZAAAC的对齐方式应为AAac。当我手动回溯时,我最终得到AAAc,因为我只访问了一次Ic矩阵。 Here是我的白板的图片。如您所见,我有三个黑色箭头和一个绿色箭头,这就是为什么我的回溯给我AAAc的原因。我应该先计数第一个单元格,然后在位置1,1处停止吗?我不确定如何更改实现此方法的方式。


M(i,j) = max(Ic(i-1,j-1)+subst, M(i-1,j-1)+subst, Ir(i-1,j-1)+subst)
Ic(i,j) = max(Ic(i,j-1)-extend, M(i,j-1)-open, Ir(i,j-1)-double)
Ir(i,j) = max(Ic(i-1,j)-double, M(i-1,j)-open, Ir(i-1,j)-extend)

def traceback_col_seq(self):
    i, j = self.maxI-1, self.maxJ-1
    self.traceback = list()
    matrixDict = {0:'M',1:'Ic',2:'Ir',3:'M',4:'Ic',5:'Ir',6:'M',7:'Ic',8:'Ir'}
    while i > 0 or j > 0:
        chars = self.col_seq[j-1] + self.row_seq[i-1]
        thisM, thisC, thisR = self.score_cell(i, j, chars)
        cell = thisM + thisC + thisR
        prevMatrix = matrixDict[cell.index(max(cell))]
        print(cell, prevMatrix,i,j)
        if prevMatrix == 'M':
            i -= 1; j -= 1
        elif prevMatrix == 'Ic':
            j -= 1
        elif prevMatrix == 'Ir':
            i -= 1
    return ''.join(self.traceback[::-1])

class global_aligner():
    def __init__(self, subst, open=12, extend=1, double=3):
        self.extend, self.open, self.double, self.subst = extend, open, double, subst
    def __call__(self, row_seq, col_seq):
        #add alphabet error checking?
        score_align(row_seq, col_seq)
        return traceback_col_seq()
    def init_array(self):
        """initialize three numpy arrays, set values in 1st column and row"""
        self.M = zeros((self.maxI, self.maxJ), float)
        self.Ic = zeros((self.maxI, self.maxJ), float)
        self.Ir = zeros((self.maxI, self.maxJ), float)
        for i in xrange(1,self.maxI):
            self.M[i][0], self.Ic[i][0], self.Ir[i][0] = \
                    -float('inf'), -float('inf'), -(self.open+self.extend*(i-1))
        for j in xrange(1,self.maxJ):
            self.M[0][j], self.Ir[0][j], self.Ic[0][j] = \
                    -float('inf'), -float('inf'), -(self.open+self.extend*(j-1))
        self.Ic[0][0] = self.Ir[0][0] = -float('inf')
    def score_cell(self, i, j, chars):
        """score a matrix cell based on the 9 total neighbors (3 each direction)"""
        thisM = [self.M[i-1][j-1]+self.subst[chars], self.Ic[i-1][j-1]+ \
                self.subst[chars], self.Ir[i-1][j-1]+self.subst[chars]]
        thisC = [self.M[i][j-1]-self.open, self.Ic[i][j-1]-self.extend, \
        thisR = [self.M[i-1][j]-self.open, self.Ic[i-1][j]-self.double, \
        return max(thisM), max(thisC), max(thisR)
    def score_align(self, row_seq, col_seq):
        """build dynamic programming matrices to align two sequences"""
        self.row_seq, self.col_seq = list(row_seq), list(col_seq)
        self.maxI, self.maxJ = len(self.row_seq)+1, len(self.col_seq)+1
        self.init_array() #initialize arrays
        for i in xrange(1, self.maxI):
            row_char = self.row_seq[i-1]
            for j in xrange(1, self.maxJ):
                chars = row_char+self.col_seq[j-1]
                self.M[i][j], self.Ic[i][j], self.Ir[i][j] = self.score_cell(i, j, chars)
    def traceback_col_seq(self):
        """trace back column sequence in matrices in a2m format"""
        i, j = self.maxI-1, self.maxJ-1
        self.traceback = list()
        #find which matrix to start in
        cell = (self.M[i][j], self.Ic[i][j], self.Ir[i][j])
        prevMatrix = cell.index(max(cell))
        while i > 1 and j > 1:
            if prevMatrix == 0: #M matrix
                i -= 1; j -= 1 #step up diagonally
                prevChars = self.row_seq[i-1]+self.col_seq[j-1]
                diag = self.score_cell(i, j, prevChars) #re-score diagonal cell
                prevMatrix = diag.index(max(diag)) #determine which matrix that was
            elif prevMatrix == 1: #Ic matrix
                j -= 1
                prevChars = self.row_seq[i-1]+self.col_seq[j-1]
                left = self.score_cell(i, j, prevChars)
                prevMatrix = left.index(max(left))
            elif prevMatrix == 2: #Ir matrix
                i -= 1
                prevChars = self.row_seq[i-1]+self.col_seq[j-1]
                up = self.score_cell(i, j, prevChars)
                prevMatrix = up.index(max(up))
        for j in xrange(j,0,-1): #hit top of matrix before ending, add chars
        for i in xrange(i,0,-1): #hit left of matrix before ending, add gaps
        return ''.join(self.traceback[::-1])
    def score_a2m(self, s1, s2):
        """scores an a2m alignment of two sequences. I believe this function correctly
        scores alignments and is used to test my alignments. The value produced by this
        function should be the same as the largest value in the bottom right of the three
        s1, s2 = list(s1.strip('.')), list(s2.strip('.'))
        s1_pos, s2_pos = len(s1)-1, len(s2)-1
        score, gap = 0, False
        while s1_pos >= 0 and s2_pos >= 0:
            if s1[s1_pos].islower() and gap is False:
                score -= self.open; s1_pos -= 1; gap = True
            elif s1[s1_pos].islower() and gap is True:
                score -= self.extend; s1_pos -= 1
            elif s2[s2_pos].islower() and gap is False:
                score -= self.open; s2_pos -= 1; gap = True
            elif s2[s2_pos].islower() and gap is True:
                score -= self.extend; s2_pos -= 1
            elif s1[s1_pos] == '-' and gap is False:
                score -= self.open; s1_pos -= 1; s2_pos -= 1; gap = True
            elif s1[s1_pos] == '-' and gap is True:
                score -= self.extend; s1_pos -= 1; s2_pos -= 1
            elif s2[s2_pos] == '-' and gap is False:
                score -= self.open; s1_pos -= 1; s2_pos -= 1; gap = True
            elif s2[s2_pos] == '-' and gap is True:
                score -= self.extend; s1_pos -= 1; s2_pos -= 1
            elif gap is True:
                score += self.subst[s1[s1_pos].upper() + s2[s2_pos].upper()]
                s1_pos -= 1; s2_pos -= 1; gap = False
                score += self.subst[s1[s1_pos].upper() + s2[s2_pos].upper()]
                s1_pos -= 1; s2_pos -= 1
        if s1_pos >= 0 and gap is True:
            score -= self.extend*s1_pos
        elif s1_pos >= 0 and gap is False:
            score -= self.open+s1_pos*self.extend
        if s2_pos >= 0 and gap is True:
            score -= self.extend*s2_pos
        elif s2_pos >= 0 and gap is False:
            score -= self.open+s2_pos*self.extend
        return score

test = global_aligner(blosumMatrix)
s1,s2 = 'ZZ','AAAC'
test.score_align(s1, s2)
align = test.traceback_col_seq()
print('This score: ', test.score_a2m(s1,align)
print('Correct score: ', test.score_a2m(s1,'AAac'))

def parse_blosum(blosumFile):
    blosumMatrix, commentFlag = dict(), False
    for line in blosumFile:
        if not line.startswith('#') and not commentFlag:
            alphabet = line.rstrip().split()
            commentFlag = True
        elif commentFlag:
            line = line.rstrip().split()
            thisChar, line = line[0], line[1:]
            for x in xrange(len(line)):
                alphaChar, thisValue = alphabet[x], line[x]
                blosumMatrix[thisChar+alphaChar] = int(thisValue)
    return blosumMatrix


def traceback_col_seq(self):
    Traces back the column sequence to determine final global alignment.
    Recalculates the score using score_cell.
    i, j = self.maxI-1, self.maxJ-1
    self.traceback = list() #stores final sequence
    matrixDict = {0:'M',1:'Ic',2:'Ir'} #mapping between numeric value and matrix
    chars = self.col_seq[j-1] + self.row_seq[i-1] #store first characters
    thisM, thisC, thisR = self.score_cell(i,j, chars)
    cell = max(thisM), max(thisC), max(thisR) #determine where to start
    prevMatrix = matrixDict[cell.index(max(cell))] #store where to go first
    while i > 0 or j > 0:
        #loop until the top left corner of the matrix is reached
        if prevMatrix == 'M':
            i -= 1; j -= 1
            prevMatrix = matrixDict[thisM.index(max(thisM))]
        elif prevMatrix == 'Ic':
            j -= 1
            prevMatrix = matrixDict[thisC.index(max(thisC))]
        elif prevMatrix == 'Ir':
            i -= 1
            prevMatrix = matrixDict[thisR.index(max(thisR))]
        chars = self.col_seq[j-1] + self.row_seq[i-1] #store next characters
        thisM, thisC, thisR = self.score_cell(i,j, chars) #rescore next cell
    return ''.join(self.traceback[::-1])

10-06 13:12