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想改进这个问题吗Update the question所以堆栈溢出的值小于aa>。
; A palindromic number reads the same both ways. The largest palindrome made
; from the product of two 2-digit numbers is 9009 = 91 99.
; Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers.

(defun num-to-list (num)
    (let ((result nil))
        (do ((x num (truncate x 10)))
            ((= x 0 ) result)
            (setq result (cons (mod x 10) result)))))

(defun palindrome? (num)
    (let ((x (num-to-list num)))
        (equal x (reverse x))))

(defun all-n-digit-nums (n)
    (loop for i from (expt 10 (1- n)) to (1- (expt 10 n)) collect i))

(defun all-products-of-n-digit-nums (n)
    (let ((nums (all-n-digit-nums n)))
        (loop for x in nums
            appending (loop for y in nums collecting (* x y)))))

(defun all-palindromes (n)
    (let ((nums (all-products-of-n-digit-nums n)))
        (loop for x in nums
            when (palindrome? x) collecting x)))

(defun largest-palindrome (n)
    (apply 'max (all-palindromes 3)))

(print (largest-palindrome 3))


(setq list (cons thing list))

(push thing list)

(defun all-palindromes (n)
  (loop for i from (expt 10 (1- n)) to (1- (expt 10 n))
    do (loop for j from (expt 10 (1- n)) to (1- (expt 10 n))
             for num = (* i j)
         when (palindrome? num)
           collect num)))

(defun largest-palindrome (n)
  (loop with start = (expt 10 (1- n))
        and end = (1- (expt 10 n))
        for i from start to end
    do (loop for j from start to end
             for num = (* i j)
         when (palindrome? num)
           maximize num)))

(defun largest-palindrome (n)
  (loop with start = (expt 10 (1- n))
        and end = (1- (expt 10 n))
        for i from start to end
    do (loop for j from i to end
             for num = (* i j)
         when (palindrome? num)
           maximize num)))


10-06 11:08