This question already has answers here:
Is there a clean way to prevent windows.h from creating a near & far macro?
c++ - 特有的错误-参数尚不存在,直到参数名称更改,然后才能更轻松地断开-LMLPHP注意:f32是浮点型,m4x4是线性4 x 4矩阵。
inline m4x4 Orthographic(f32 left, f32 right, f32 bottom, f32 top, f32 nearr, f32 far)

您可能会注意到它拼写错误。这是因为如果我将参数称为“ near”,则代码不会编译。当我将其更改为更接近并进行编译时,情况变得更糟,因为它不再存在。不在调试器中,也没有在反汇编中,名称就消失了,代码的行为也中断了。例如。我将值-1用于近端,将1用于远处,这具有翻转和反转我正在渲染的三角形的行为。当我将函数签名更改为以下代码时,代码按预期工作:
inline m4x4 Orthographic(f32 left, f32 right, f32 bottom, f32 top, f32 nearplane, f32 farplane)



    inline m4x4  // TODO go through the dissasembly
inline m4x4 Orthographic(f32 left, f32 right, f32 nearr, f32 far, f32 bottom, f32 top)
    //NOTE this is also broken so its not just param order
//Orthographic(f32 left, f32 right, f32 bottom, f32 top, f32 nearr, f32 far)
//Orthographic(f32 left, f32 right, f32 bottom, f32 top, f32 near, f32 far)
{ // TODO this is broken because far doesn't seem to exist???   if i change near to nearr then it compiles but far doesnt exist, if i set it as near then it fails to compile
    m4x4 Result;
    f32 dw = right - left;
    f32 dh = top - bottom;
    //f32 dd = far - near;
    f32 dd = far - nearr;

    f32 width = right + left;
    f32 height = top + bottom;
    //f32 depth = far + near;
    f32 depth = far + nearr;

    Result =
        2/dw, 0.0f, 0.0f, -(width/dw),
        0.0f, 2/dh, 0.0f, -(height/dh),
        0.0f, 0.0f, -2/dd, -(depth/dd),
        0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,

    return (Result);
    inline m4x4
Orthographic(f32 left, f32 right, f32 bottom, f32 top, f32 nearplane, f32 farplane)
{ //TODO find out what the deal is with f32 near because this shit is crazy and it caused a painful bug
    m4x4 Result;
    f32 dw = right - left;
    f32 dh = top - bottom;
    f32 dd = farplane - nearplane;

    f32 width = right + left;
    f32 height = top + bottom;
    f32 depth = farplane + nearplane;

    Result =
        2/dw, 0.0f, 0.0f, -(width/dw),
        0.0f, 2/dh, 0.0f, -(height/dh),
        0.0f, 0.0f,-2/dd, -(depth/dd),
        0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f,

    return (Result);




在搜寻代码库时,我还没有发现该错误的重要性。 443和448在函数的主体中,并且是具有far和Nearr参数的线。

编辑:我的工作流程涉及在vim中工作并在命令行中进行编译,我使用Visual Studio作为调试器。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

#if 0 //change to 1 to fix
#undef near
#undef far

float BrokenByMacro(float near, float far)
    float Result = near + far;


int main()
    float MyFloat = BrokenByMacro(1, 2);
    printf("%f", MyFloat);
    return (0);




如相关SO question中所建议,您可以在适当的位置简单地将它们#undef。尽管我也会考虑您的#include层次结构来限制特定于Windows的标头的范围。

关于c++ - 特有的错误-参数尚不存在,直到参数名称更改,然后才能更轻松地断开,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-11 21:04