我正在处理某个问题,其中我有一个接口实现(由GoogleMaps tile提供程序实现),其中该方法立即需要其数据(而不是在回调中),但是对于我来说,要获取数据,我必须调用一个返回该方法的方法。回调中的数据。我必须将这2个链接在一起,并且有一些东西(我认为可以,但尚未测试),但我担心会收到一些Android Studio警告。


public Tile getTile(int x, int y, int zoom) {
    // If the tile provider is not available, return null
    if(tileProvider == null) {
        return NO_TILE;

    // Define the tile request
    final TileRequest tileRequest = new TileRequest(tileProvider.getLayer().getTileWidth(), tileProvider.getLayer().getTileHeight());

    // Make the call to get the tile data, which, depending on the situation, can possibly
    // be handled by another thread.
    tileProvider.getTile(x, y, zoom, new GetDataListener<byte[]>() {
        public void onGetData(byte[] data, Exception exception) {
            synchronized (tileRequest) {
                tileRequest.data = data;
                tileRequest.exceptionOccurred = exception != null;
                tileRequest.finishedRequest = true;

    synchronized (tileRequest) {
        // If, before this statement was reached, the request has already been finished, call and return getTile immediately.
        if(tileRequest.finishedRequest) {
            return tileRequest.getTile();
        } else {
            try {
                // Wait for the tileRequest to be finished

                // Once it is finished (in the callback a notify is called as soon as its finished, so thats how this code is reached)
                // the tile data is available, return the tile
                return tileRequest.getTile();

            } catch(InterruptedException ex) {
                // Exception occurred, return null so GoogleMaps will try it again later
                logger.error("Exception in getTile method: {}", ex.getLocalizedMessage());
                return null;

因此,Android Studio在第二行synchronized (tileRequest) {上给我的是以下警告:

Synchronization on local variable 'tileRequest'

Reports synchronization on a local variable or parameter. Such synchronization has little effect, since different threads usually will have different values for the local variable or parameter. The intent of the code will usually be clearer if synchronization on a field is used.





CountDownLatch done = new CountDownLatch(1);
tileProvider.getTile(x, y, zoom, new GetDataListener<byte[]>() {
    public void onGetData(byte[] data, Exception exception) {
        tileRequest.data = data;
        tileRequest.exceptionOccurred = exception != null;
        tileRequest.finishedRequest = true;

return tileRequest.getTile();

请注意,您可能在if (tileRequest.finishedRequest) return tileRequest.getTile();之前不能有done.await(),因为您将失去闩锁提供的可见性保证。而且根据您的代码,似乎无论如何将finishRequest设置为true后,立即会解除对闩锁的阻止。

10-06 05:24