我一直在尝试找出Sudoku回溯求解器中的错误三天。问题出在leetcode Sudoku Solver上。



基本上,对于每个“。”,我生成从1到9的所有可能性,构造一个临时模板以填充当前的“。”。一种可能性,然后调用下一个“的”助手。与临时委员会。我知道,由于空间成本,为每个可能的 child 存储相同大小的boardTemp不好,但是我现在主要关心的是在优化成本之前先解决问题。

总而言之,即使所有 child 都无效,为什么我的董事会也要更换?


..9748 ...; 7 ........; .2.1.9 ...;

..7 ... 24 .; .64.1.59 .; .98 ... 3 ..;

... 8.3.2 .; ........ 6; ... 2759 ..;


139748652; 745326189; 826159437;

35769.24。 .64.1.59 .; .98 ... 3 ..;

... 8.3.2 .; ........ 6; ... 2759 ..;

public void sudokuSolver(char[][] board) {
    for (int i = 0 ; i < board.length ; i++) {
        for (int j = 0 ; j < board.length ; j++) {
            if (board[i][j] == '.') {
                // find the first '.' as root
                helper(i, j, board);

private boolean helper(int row, int col, char[][] board) {
    // case 2. check if it has following '.' and store its position
    boolean hasNext = false;
    boolean nextSearching = false;
    int nextRow = row;
    int nextCol = col;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < board.length ; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < board.length ; j++) {
            if (nextSearching && !hasNext && board[i][j] == '.') {
                hasNext = true; // there is next!
                nextRow = i;
                nextCol = j;
            if (i == row && j == col) {
                nextSearching = true;

    // exit condition: last '.'
    if (!hasNext) {
        for (char put = '1' ; put <= '9' ; put ++) {
            if (isValid(row, col, board, put)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    // put a number and generate children
    for (char put = '1' ; put <= '9' ; put ++) {
        if (isValid(row, col, board, put)) {
            char[][] boardTemp = board;
            boardTemp[row][col] = put;
            boolean valid = helper(nextRow, nextCol, boardTemp);
            if (valid) {
                // board is supposed to change only when valid is true.
                board[row][col] = put;
                return true;
    return false;

private boolean isValid(int row, int col, char[][] board, char c) {
    // go through each row, column, and subblock to determine if c is a valid choice based on current board.
    for (int jCol = 0 ; jCol < 9 ; jCol ++) {
        if (board[row][jCol] == c) {
            return false;
    for (int iRow = 0 ; iRow < 9 ; iRow ++) {
        if (board[iRow][col] == c) {
            return false;
    for (int i = row/3*3 ; i < row/3*3 + 3 ; i++) {
        for (int j = col/3*3 ; j < col/3*3 + 3 ; j++) {
            if (board[i][j] == c) {
                return false;
    return true;

java - 卡在Sudoku回溯解算器(Java)中-LMLPHP


使用boardTempboard没有什么区别。 char[][] boardTemp = board表示它们指向相同的内存...您在原始代码中缺少的是在您输入了无效数字之后输入的else部分:

for (char put = '1' ; put <= '9' ; put ++) {
    if (isValid(row, col, board, put)) {
        char[][] boardTemp = board; // board and boardTemp are essentially the same thing
        boardTemp[row][col] = put;
        boolean valid = helper(nextRow, nextCol, boardTemp);
        if (valid) {
            // board is supposed to change only when valid is true.
            board[row][col] = put;
            return true;
        // if you don't reset the '.' back, your later backtrack will not work
        // because you put an invalid number on your board and you will never find a solution
        boardTemp[row][col] = '.';

10-06 05:03