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          <h1 class="header center orange-text">Starter Template</h1>
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            <h5 class="header col s12 light">A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design</h5>
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            <a href="" id="download-button" class="btn-large waves-effect waves-light orange">Get Started</a>


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                <h2 class="center light-blue-text"><i class="material-icons">flash_on</i></h2>
                <h5 class="center">Speeds up development</h5>

                <p class="light">We did most of the heavy lifting for you to provide a default stylings that incorporate our custom components. Additionally, we refined animations and transitions to provide a smoother experience for developers.</p>

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                <h2 class="center light-blue-text"><i class="material-icons">group</i></h2>
                <h5 class="center">User Experience Focused</h5>

                <p class="light">By utilizing elements and principles of Material Design, we were able to create a framework that incorporates components and animations that provide more feedback to users. Additionally, a single underlying responsive system across all platforms allow for a more unified user experience.</p>

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                <h2 class="center light-blue-text"><i class="material-icons">settings</i></h2>
                <h5 class="center">Easy to work with</h5>

                <p class="light">We have provided detailed documentation as well as specific code examples to help new users get started. We are also always open to feedback and can answer any questions a user may have about Materialize.</p>


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10-06 01:36