我正在研究一个问题,我有一个函数可以检查矩形块中球形和圆柱形孔的数量是否大于零。在这个问题上,我必须调用函数两次。我的问题是,第一次调用函数“ HoleCheck”运行两次,并假设为圆柱孔输入了零,并使我重新输入了球形孔的值。我怎样才能只进行一次球形孔检查?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void Check(double arr1[], string arr2[]);
void HoleCheck(int arr3[], string arr4[]);

int main()

double DimArray[3];
string MyArray[3] = { "Height", "Length", "Width"};
int totalholes[2];
string holes[2] = { "Spherical", "cylindrical"};

cout << "Enter the height, length and width of rectangle in centimeters: ";
cin >> DimArray[0] >> DimArray[1] >> DimArray[2];
Check(DimArray, MyArray);

cout << "How many spherical bubbles are present? ";
cin >> totalholes[0];
HoleCheck(totalholes, holes);
cout << "How many cylindrical holes are present? ";
cin >> totalholes[1];
HoleCheck(totalholes, holes);

return 0;

void Check(double arr1[], string arr2[])
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    while (arr1[i] <= 0)
        cout << "Your entered " << arr2[i] << " is less than zero!\n";
        cout << "Please re-enter a valid number --> ";
        cin >> arr1[i];
void Check(double arr1[], string arr2[])
int z;
for (z = 0; z < 2; z++)
    while (arr3[z] <= 0)
cout << "The number of " << arr4[z] << " holes must be greater than 0.\n";
        cout << "Please re-enter a valid number --> ";
        cin >> arr3[z];





10-05 22:42