我有一个 SplObjectStorage 实例,用于存储要在容器中呈现的元素对象。我希望能够从商店中的任何随机位置有效地添加和删除对象。


$store = new SplObjectStorageWrapper;
$obj1 = new Obj;
$obj2 = new Obj;
$obj3 = new Obj;

$store->insertAtIndex($obj3, 1);

//Storage should now be organized as $obj1, $obj3, $obj2

我将如何实现 insertAtIndex 方法?我是否使用 LimitIterator 在某个位置后分离和重新连接 child ?事实证明,使用基于数组的对象存储比 SplObjectStorage 实例慢得多。

我想实现的其他方法包括 removeAtIndex(integer)indexOf(object)


事实证明,最简单(显然也是最有效)的方法是扩展 SplObjectStorage 并使用 LimitIterator 。下面的代码示例:

 * Extends the SplObjectStorage class to provide index functions
class ObjectStorage extends SplObjectStorage {

     * Returns the index of a given object, or false if not found
     * @param object $object
    function indexOf($object){

        if(!$this->contains($object)) return false;

        foreach($this as $index => $obj) if($obj === $object) return $index;


     * Returns the object at the given index
    function itemAtIndex($index){

        $it = new LimitIterator($this, $index, 1);
        foreach($it as $obj) return $obj;


     * Returns the sequence of objects as specified by the offset and length
     * @param int $offset
     * @param int $length
    function slice($offset, $length){

        $out = array();
        $it = new LimitIterator($this, $offset, $length);
        foreach($it as $obj) $out[] = $obj;
        return $out;


     * Inserts an object (or an array of objects) at a certain point
     * @param mixed $object A single object or an array of objects
     * @param integer $index
    function insertAt($object, $index){

        if(!is_array($object)) $object = array($object);

        //Check to ensure that objects don't already exist in the collection
        foreach($object as $k => $obj):
            if($this->contains($obj)) unset($object[$k]);

        //Do we have any objects left?
        if(!$object) return;

        //Detach any objects at or past this index
        $remaining = array();
        if($index < $this->count()):
            $remaining = $this->slice($index, $this->count() - $index);
            foreach($remaining as $obj) $this->detach($obj);

        //Add the new objects we're splicing in
        foreach($object as $obj) $this->attach($obj);

        //Attach the objects we previously detached
        foreach($remaining as $obj) $this->attach($obj);


     * Removes the object at the given index
     * @param integer $index
    function removeAt($index){




关于php - 重新组织 SplObjectStorage 实例的子项,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8731771/

10-14 14:54