
    //does the of the manipulation of the load factor.
    for (int tableSize = fileLength; tableSize < fileLength * 2; tableSize = tableSize + 500)

        //creates hash tables to be reused for each of the trials.
        for(int fileNum = 0; fileNum < NUMTIMES; fileNum++)

            Array_HashTable* linear_div_hash = new Array_HashTable(tableSize);
            LinkedList_HashTable *chain_div_hash = new LinkedList_HashTable(tableSize);

            Array_HashTable *doubleHash = new Array_HashTable(tableSize);
            LinkedList_HashTable *mult_hash = new LinkedList_HashTable(tableSize);
            //Does the hashing for each of the files created.
            for (int index = 0; index < fileLength; index++)
                linear_div_hash -> Linear_ProbeDH(read[fileNum][index]);
                chain_div_hash ->  Division_Hash(read[fileNum][index]);
                doubleHash -> Double_Hash(read[fileNum][index]);
                mult_hash -> Mulitplication_Hash(read[fileNum][index]);
            }//ends the index for loop.

            optimalOutput("VariableSizeLinearCollisionData", fileLength, tableSize, linear_div_hash -> getCollisions(), fileAppendage);
            optimalOutput("VariableSizeDoubleCollisionData", fileLength, tableSize, doubleHash -> getCollisions(), fileAppendage);
            optimalOutput("VariableSizeDivisionChainingCollisionData", fileLength, tableSize, chain_div_hash -> getCollisions(), fileAppendage);
            optimalOutput("VariableSizeMultiplicationChainingCollisionData", fileLength, tableSize, mult_hash -> getCollisions(),fileAppendage);

            linear_div_hash -> EndArray_HashTable();
            chain_div_hash-> EndLinkedList_HashTable();
            doubleHash -> EndArray_HashTable();
            mult_hash-> EndLinkedList_HashTable();

            delete  linear_div_hash;
            delete  chain_div_hash ;
            delete  doubleHash ;
            delete  mult_hash ;
        }//ends the fileNum for loop
    }//ends the parent for loop with the size as the variable.




10-04 23:44