我有一个DiaryEntry对象的NSArray,其中每个DiaryEntry都有一个NSDate date_字段。
NSEnumerator* enumerator;
DiaryEntrys* currEntry;
NSMutableDictionary* result;
use sorting code from other answer, if you don't sort, the result will still contain arrays for each day of the week but arrays will not be sorted
[myArray sortUsingDescriptors:....];
result holds the desired dictionary of arrays
result=[[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
iterate throught all entries
enumerator=[myArray objectEnumerator];
while (currEntry=[enumerator nextObject])
NSNumber* currDayOfTheWeekKey;
NSMutableArray* dayOfTheWeekArray;
convert current entry's day of the week into something that can be used as a key in an dictionary
I'm converting into an NSNumber, you can choose to convert to a maningfull string (sunday, monday etc.) if you like
I'm assuming date_ is an NSCalendarDate, if not, then you need a method to figure out the day of the week for the partictular date class you're using
Note that you should not use NSDate as a key because NSDate indicates a particular date (1/26/2010) and not an abstract "monday"
currDayOfTheWeekKey=[NSNumber numberWithInt:[[currEntry valueForKey:@"date_"] dayOfWeek]];
grab the array for day of the week using the key, if exists
dayOfTheWeekArray=[result objectForKey:currDayOfTheWeekKey];
if we got nil then this is the first time we encounter a date of this day of the week so
we create the array now
if (dayOfTheWeekArray==nil)
dayOfTheWeekArray=[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[result setObject:dayOfTheWeekArray forKey:currDayOfTheWeekKey];
[dayOfTheWeekArray release]; // retained by the dictionary
once we figured out which day the week array to use, add our entry to it.
[dayOfTheWeekArray addObject:currEntry];