
prodworker = employee.ProductionWorker(shift_num, pay_rate)
AttributeError: 'Employee' object has no attribute 'ProductionWorker'

任何帮助是极大的赞赏 :)

class Employee: #writing new class called Employee:

    def __init__(self, name, number): #accepts arguments for employee name and
        self.__name = name              #employee number
        self.__number = number

    def set_name(self, name): #mutator methods to set name and number
    self.__name = name

 def set_number(self, number):
        self.__number = number

#accessor methods returns name and number
    def get_name(self):
        return self.__name

    def get_number(self):
        return self.__number

class ProductionWorker(Employee): #write subclass

    def __init__(self, shift_num, pay_rate):
        Employee.__init__(self, 'ProductionWorker')
        self.__shift_num = shift_num
        self.__pay_rate = pay_rate

    def set_shift_num(self, shift_num):
        self.__shift_num = shift_num

    def set_pay_rate(self, pay_rate):
        self.__pay_rate = pay_rate

    def get_shift_num(self):
        return self.__shift_num

    def get_pay_rate(self):
        return self.__pay_rate

#This program creates an instance of Employee Class
#and an instance of Production Worker Class:

again = 'Y'
while again.upper() == 'Y':
    print('Enter the following data for the employee: \n')
    name = input('What is the employee name?: ')
    number = input('What is the employee number? ')

    shift_num = input('What is the employee shift number? 1 = Day, 2 = Night :')
    while shift_num != '1' and shift_num != '2':
        shift_num = input('Invalid entry! Enter 1 for Day shift or 2 for Night shift!')
        if shift_num == '1':
            shift_num = 'Day'
        if shift_num == '2':
            shift_num = 'Night'

    pay_rate = float(input('What is the employee pay rate? '))

    print('This is an instance of the Employee class:')
    employee = Employee(name, number)
    print('EMPLOYEE: \t\t'+ employee.get_name())
    print('EMPLOYEE NUMBER: \t' + employee.get_number())

    print('This is an instance of the Production Worker class: ')
    prodworker = employee.ProductionWorker(shift_num, pay_rate)

    print('SHIFT: \t\t\t' + ProductionWorker.get_shift_num())
    print('PAY RATE: \t\t$' + format(ProductionWorker.get_pay_rate(), ',.2f'), sep='')

    again = input('Enter Y to add another: ')
    if again.upper() != 'Y':
        print('Program End')




我也劝阻您不要使用__double_leading_underscore名称作为属性。这将调用Python的名称处理系统,该系统主要旨在帮助防止在大型或不可预测的继承层次结构中意外地重用不同类中的相同名称。如果只希望属性为“私有”,请使用单个下划线。这并不能防止它们被外部代码访问,但是可以作为文档,证明它们不是对象公共API的一部分。 Python的设计哲学之一是,程序员应对自己的行为负责(通常用“我们都是成年人”来形容)。如果程序员想要访问对象的私有数据,则可以这样做(这对于调试非常有用)。但是,如果他们破坏了东西,除了他们自己,他们没有人要责怪。

10-04 20:13