我正在尝试将Zend Framework 2供应商目录中的目录(及其内容)SupplierName列入白名单。

/ vendor中的原始.gitignore文件如下所示:

# Add here the vendor path to be whitelisted
# Ex: for composer directory write here "!composer" (without quotes)

现在,我想将目录SupplierName列入白名单,我认为这应该不会太难。我有read the docs on gitignore并尝试了以下配置:

# Add here the vendor path to be whitelisted
# Ex: for composer directory write here "!composer" (without quotes)

在那之后,我执行了git status,它没有显示vendor / SupplierName目录。 git add vendor/SupplierName显示以下消息:

# Add here the vendor path to be whitelisted
# Ex: for composer directory write here "!composer" (without quotes)

在那之后,我执行了git status,它没有显示vendor / SupplierName目录。 git add vendor/SupplierName显示以下消息:

# Add here the vendor path to be whitelisted
# Ex: for composer directory write here "!composer" (without quotes)

在那之后,我执行了git status,它没有显示vendor / SupplierName目录。 git add vendor/SupplierName 似乎可以工作。但是现在,当我想添加Module.php文件(以及其他一些文件,子目录等)时,会发生以下情况。 git add vendor/SupplierName/Module.php->

# Add here the vendor path to be whitelisted
# Ex: for composer directory write here "!composer" (without quotes)

允许我直接在vendor / SupplierName中添加文件,但是git add vendor/SupplierName/config/module.config.php仍然会导致




# vendor/.gitignore

# vendor/SupplierName/.gitignore

$ git add .

$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
#   modified:   vendor/.gitignore
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/.gitignore
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/a
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/b
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/c
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/d
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir1/d
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir1/dir4/dir5/dir6/dir7/dir8/dir9/dir10/somefile
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir1/dir4/f1
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir1/dir4/f2
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir1/dir4/f3
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir1/dir4/f4
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir1/e
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir1/f
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir3/dir6/f5
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir3/dir6/f6
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir3/dir6/f7
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/dir3/dir7/f8
#   new file:   vendor/SupplierName/e

10-04 12:44