
template <typename Key, typename Value> struct PriorityItem {
  Key key;
  Value value;
  PriorityItem() {}
  PriorityItem(Key const& key, Value const& value) : key(key), value(value) {
  bool operator<(PriorityItem const& pi) const {
    if (key == pi.key)
      return value < pi.value;
    return key < pi.key;







template <typename Key, typename Value>
struct PriorityItem {   // This is a struct template, it takes two type parameters Key and Value
  Key key; // Key is an attribute of the struct and is of type Key (one of the template parameters)
  Value value; // Value is an attribute of the struct and is of type Value (the second template parameter)
  PriorityItem() {} // This is the default constructor.
                    // It relies on Key and Value types to have proper constructors
                    // in order to initialize the key and value attributes.
  PriorityItem(Key const& key, Value const& value) : key(key), value(value) {
                    // This is parameter constructor. It provides values
                    // to both attributes and assigns them in the initializer list.
  bool operator<(PriorityItem const& pi) const {
     // This is an operator< method. It allows to do things like :
     //     PriorityItem<A,B> a;
     //     PriorityItem<A,B> b;
     //     ...
     //     if(a < b) { ... }

     // the comparison relationship goes as follows:
     if (key == pi.key)          // If key attribute is the same in both, PriorityItems...
        return value < pi.value; // then follow the order of the value attributes.
     return key < pi.key;        // Otherwise, follow the order of the key attributes.



10-04 12:32