
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
%matplotlib inline

runs = int(input("Enter number of runs: "))
N = int(input("Enter number of iterations per simulation: "))

y = 0
R = 10*1  # R is the rate value
t0 = time.time()
for y in range(runs):  # Run the simulation 'runs' times
    T = np.array([0])
    dt = 0
    x = 0.5  # sets values
    X = np.array([x])
    t = 0
    i = 0

    while t < N:  # N is the number of iterations per run
        i = i + 1  # i is number of iterations so far
        z = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 1)  # sets z to be a random number between -1 to 1 size 1

        if z > (1/3):  # if conditions for z for alpha and gamma, beta
            x = x + 1  # z[]=alpha state then + 1
        elif z < (-1/3):
            x = x-1  # z[]=gamma state then - 1
        elif z < (1/3) and z > (-1/3):
            x = x  # z=beta state then + 0

        X = np.append(X, x)  # adds new X value to original X array
        X[i] += X[i-1] * 0.01 * np.random.normal(0, 1, 1) * np.sqrt(dt)  # for Brownian motion with sigma as 0.01
        Z = np.random.uniform(0, 1)  # sets Z to be a random number between 0 and 1
        dt = 1/R * np.log(1/Z)  # formula for dt; R is the rate value
        t = t + dt  # ITERATED TIME
        T = np.append(T, t)
        plt.plot(T, X, lw='0.5', alpha=0.5)

t1 = time.time()
print("final %.10f seconds " % (t1-t0))


快速运行的布朗运动蒙特卡洛模拟的Here is an excellent example,其计算开销较小。


在上面的示例中,作者首先创建数组,然后使用一个for循环对它们进行相应的迭代。生成所有随机数,并将它们同时放入一个数组中。然后,同时计算所有布朗运动 yield 。 (想想一条装配线-在每个步骤上都很好地利用资源并实现规模经济。)同样重要的是,请注意,plt函数仅运行一次(不在循环内),并且仅在所有迭代之后运行完全的。


10-04 12:23