

#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Date{

    Date(int month, int day, int year);

    int getMonth() const;
    int getDay() const;
    int getYear() const;

    int month;
    int day;
    int year;

Date::Date(int month, int day, int year) {
    this->month = month;
    this->day = day;
    this->year = year;

int Date::getMonth() const{
    return month;

int Date::getDay() const{
    return day;

int Date::getYear() const{
    return year;

class Appointment

    Appointment(string description, int month, int day, int year, int hour, int minute);
    virtual bool occurs_on(int month, int day, int year);

    int hour, minute;
    string convertInt(int number) const;
    virtual string print();

    Date getDate();
    Date date;


Appointment::Appointment(string description, int month, int day, int year, int hour, int minute):date(month, day, year){
    // the above line, i'm trying to initalize the date object with the three parameters month day and year from the appointment constructor.
    this-> hour = hour;
    this-> minute =minute;


bool occurs_on(int month, int day, int year){
    if (date.getMonth()== month && date.getYear()= year && date.getDay()==day) //first error. variables like hour and minute from the constructor and date from the initalizer list are giving me unknown type name errors. I thought I initalized those variables in the constructor and in the initalizer list.

        day= minute; //

        return true;




bool Appointment::occurs_on(int month, int day, int year){
    // ..

10-01 22:37