
protocol PersistableData {}

protocol DataStore: class {
    associatedtype DataType: PersistableData

    func save(data: DataType, with key: String)

    func retreive(from key: String) -> DataType?

protocol PersistentDataModel {
    // Swift infers that DataType: PersistableData as DataType == DataStoreType.DataType: PersistableData
    // Setting it explicitly makes the compiler fail
    associatedtype DataType
    associatedtype DataStoreType: DataStore where DataStoreType.DataType == DataType

extension String: PersistableData {}

protocol StringDataStore: DataStore {
    associatedtype DataType = String

class Test: PersistentDataModel {
    typealias DataType = String
    typealias DataStoreType = StringDataStore

然而,Xcode未能编译成这样的语句,即Type 'Test' does not conform to protocol 'PersistentDataModel'并建议Possibly intended match 'DataStoreType' (aka 'StringDataStore') does not conform to 'DataStore'whileStringDataStore被定义为符合DataStore
我读过一些关于通用协议的好资料,包括SO和这个Medium post,但是我找不到问题所在。



protocol PersistableData {}

protocol DataStore: class {
associatedtype DataType: PersistableData

    func save(data: DataType, with key: String)

    func retreive(from key: String) -> DataType?

protocol PersistentDataModel {
    // Swift infers that DataType: PersistableData as DataType == DataStoreType.DataType: PersistableData
    // Setting it explicitly makes the compiler fail
    associatedtype DataType
    associatedtype DataStoreType: DataStore where DataStoreType.DataType == DataType
extension String: PersistableData {}

class StringDataStore: DataStore {
    typealias DataType = String

    func save(data: String, with key: String) {

    func retreive(from key: String) -> String? {
        return nil

class Test: PersistentDataModel {
    typealias DataType = String
    typealias DataStoreType = StringDataStore

class Test<T: StringDataStore>: PersistentDataModel where T.DataType == String {
    typealias DataStoreType = T
    typealias DataType = T.DataType

class ConcreteStringDataStore: StringDataStore {
    func save(data: String, with key: String) {

    func retreive(from key: String) -> String? {
        return nil

let test = Test<ConcreteStringDataStore>()

10-01 22:23