
  • Node0 = w01 * Node1 + w02 * Node2 + w03 * Node3的
  • Node1 = w12 * Node2 + w14 * Node4

  • 因此,我们有Node0 = w01 * w12 * Node2 + w03 * Node3 + w01 * w14 Node4。


    #include <string>
    #include <unordered_map>
    template<class T, class U> using umap = std::unordered_map<T, U>;
    umap<std::string, double> getWeights(const std::string& nodeName, const umap<std::string, umap<std::string, double>>& weightTrees)
        const auto it = weightTrees.find(nodeName);
        if (it == weightTrees.end())
            return umap<std::string, double>();
        umap<std::string, double> topWeights = it->second;
        std::vector<std::string> topNodeNames;
        for (const auto& kv : topWeights)
        for (const std::string& topNodeName : topNodeNames)
            umap<std::string, double> subWeights = getWeights(topNodeName, weightTrees);
            if (subWeights.size() > 0)
                const double topWeight = topWeights[topNodeName];
                for (const auto& subWeight : subWeights)
                    const auto it = topWeights.find(subWeight.first);
                    if (it == topWeights.end())
                        topWeights[subWeight.first] = topWeight * subWeight.second;
                        it->second += topWeight * subWeight.second;
        return topWeights;
    int main()
        umap<std::string, umap<std::string, double>> weightTrees = {{ "Node0", {{ "Node1",0.5 },{ "Node2",0.3 },{ "Node3",0.2 }} },
                                                                    { "Node1", {{ "Node2",0.1 },{ "Node4",0.9 }} }};
        umap<std::string, double> w = getWeights("Node0", weightTrees); // gives {Node2: 0.35, Node3: 0.20, Node4: 0.45}




    using NodeWeights = std::unordered_map<std::string, double>;
    using NonLeaves = std::unordered_map<std::string, NodeWeights>;
    // Modifies the tree so that the given root has no non-leaf children.
    void flattenTree(std::string root, NonLeaves& toFlatten)
        auto rootIt = toFlatten.find(root);
        if (rootIt == toFlatten.end())
        NodeWeights& rootWeights = rootIt->second;
        NodeWeights leafOnlyWeights;
        for (auto kvp : rootWeights)
            const std::string& childRoot = kvp.first;
            double childWeight = kvp.second;
            std::cout << "Checking child " << childRoot << std::endl;
            // If the graph is indeed acyclic, then the root kvp here is untouched
            // by this call (and thus references to it are not invalidated).
            flattenTree(childRoot, toFlatten);
            auto childIt = toFlatten.find(childRoot);
            // The child is a leaf after flattening: Do not modify anything.
            if (childIt == toFlatten.end())
                leafOnlyWeights[childRoot] = childWeight;
            // Child is still not a leaf (but all its children are now leaves):
            // Redistribute its weight among our other child weights.
            const NodeWeights& leafWeights = childIt->second;
            for (auto leafKvp : leafWeights)
                leafOnlyWeights[leafKvp.first] += childWeight * leafKvp.second;
        rootWeights = leafOnlyWeights;
    int main()
        umap<std::string, umap<std::string, double>> weightTrees = {{ "Node0", {{ "Node1",0.5 },{ "Node2",0.3 },{ "Node3",0.2 }} },
                                                                    { "Node1", {{ "Node2",0.1 },{ "Node4",0.9 }} }};
        auto flattenedTree = weightTrees;
        flattenTree("Node0", flattenedTree);
        umap<std::string, double> w = flattenedTree["Node0"]; // Should give {Node2: 0.35, Node3: 0.20, Node4: 0.45}
        for (auto kvp : w)
          std::cout << kvp.first << ": " << kvp.second << std::endl;



    10-01 20:01