我有一个关于在C中更新数组的快速问题。我要包括我编写的代码以及debug / print语句输出。

typedef struct Server {
char* name;
pid_t pid;
} Server;

//global vars
int num_servers; //the number of servers (num_servers-1 is index in  array)
Server* servers; //the array of servers
int size; //size of the array

//instantiation inside main method
num_servers = 0;
servers = NULL;  //null instantiation allows us to use realloc all time
size = 0;

//inside main function and a while loop
//check if we need to resize the array
                if(num_servers >= size){
                //create struct
                Server s = createServer(args[3], id);
                //add to array
                printf("Main: last server has name: %s\n", servers[num_servers-1].name); //debug

 * creates/returns a server with the specified characteristics
 * name - the name of server]
 * id - the id of the server
Server createServer(char* name, pid_t id){
    Server s;
    s.name = malloc(strlen(name) * sizeof(char));
    strcpy(s.name, name);
    s.pid = id;
    printf("Created server with name: %s\n", s.name); //debug
    return s;

 * appends server to end of array
 * serv - the server struct to insert
int insertServer(Server serv){
    printf("Inserting server with name: %s\n", serv.name); //debug
    //allocate memory
    servers[num_servers-1].name = malloc(strlen(serv.name) * sizeof(char));
    //actually copy
    strcpy(servers[num_servers-1].name, serv.name);
    servers[num_servers-1].pid = serv.pid;
    printf("The last server in array now has id of: %s\n",   servers[num_servers-1].name);
    return 0;



在这段代码中,您没有为c字符串分配足够的内存(“ \ 0” -char或终止字符char)的忘记字节:

s.name = malloc(strlen(name) * sizeof(char));
strcpy(s.name, name);


s.name = strdup(name);

09-28 01:16