
    mViewModel!!.getOutputWorkInfo()?.observe(this, Observer<List<WorkInfo>> {


我用谷歌搜索表示不需要扩展生命周期所有者,默认情况下,appcompact Activity 会实现生命周期所有者。


import android.os.Bundle
import android.view.View
import android.widget.Button
import android.widget.ImageView
import android.widget.ProgressBar
import android.widget.RadioGroup

import com.bumptech.glide.Glide

import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import androidx.lifecycle.Observer
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProviders
import androidx.work.WorkInfo

class BlurActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private var mViewModel: BlurViewModel? = null
    private var mImageView: ImageView? = null
    private var mProgressBar: ProgressBar? = null
    private var mGoButton: Button? = null
    private var mOutputButton: Button? = null
    private var mCancelButton: Button? = null

     * Get the blur level from the radio button as an integer
     * @return Integer representing the amount of times to blur the image
    private val blurLevel: Int
        get() {
            val radioGroup = findViewById<RadioGroup>(R.id.radio_blur_group)

            return when (radioGroup.checkedRadioButtonId) {
                R.id.radio_blur_lv_1 ->  1
                R.id.radio_blur_lv_2 ->  2
                R.id.radio_blur_lv_3 ->  3
                else -> 1

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // Get the ViewModel
        mViewModel = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(BlurViewModel::class.java)

        // Get all of the Views
        mImageView = findViewById(R.id.image_view)
        mProgressBar = findViewById(R.id.progress_bar)
        mGoButton = findViewById(R.id.go_button)
        mOutputButton = findViewById(R.id.see_file_button)
        mCancelButton = findViewById(R.id.cancel_button)

        // Image uri should be stored in the ViewModel; put it there then display
        val intent = intent
        val imageUriExtra = intent.getStringExtra(Constants.KEY_IMAGE_URI)
        if (mViewModel!!.imageUri != null) {

        mViewModel!!.getOutputWorkInfo()?.observe(this, Observer<List<WorkInfo>> {
            // If there are no matching work info, do nothing
            if (it == null || it.isEmpty()) return@Observer

            // We only care about the first output status.
            // Every continuation has only one worker tagged TAG_OUTPUT
            val workInfo = it[0]

            val finished = workInfo.state.isFinished
            if (!finished) showWorkInProgress() else showWorkFinished()

        // Setup blur image file button
        mGoButton!!.setOnClickListener { view -> mViewModel!!.applyBlur(blurLevel) }

     * Shows and hides views for when the Activity is processing an image
    private fun showWorkInProgress() {
        mProgressBar!!.visibility = View.VISIBLE
        mCancelButton!!.visibility = View.VISIBLE
        mGoButton!!.visibility = View.GONE
        mOutputButton!!.visibility = View.GONE

     * Shows and hides views for when the Activity is done processing an image
    private fun showWorkFinished() {
        mProgressBar!!.visibility = View.GONE
        mCancelButton!!.visibility = View.GONE
        mGoButton!!.visibility = View.VISIBLE




implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.1.0-alpha04'


09-27 18:08