我的Web服务上出现了太多打开文件错误,只是想确保没有其他需要关闭的内容。我在close()outWriter)上添加了StringWriter,但是JavaDoc表示这没有效果。 getCachedExtractSoapBodyXslt()获取javax.xml.transform.Transformer对象。

String payload;
StreamResult result=null;
StringWriter outWriter=null;
try {
    // Programmatically extract the SOAP Body from message
    outWriter = new StringWriter();
    result = new StreamResult(outWriter);
    Source src = new StreamSource(new java.io.StringReader(doc));
    getCachedExtractSoapBodyXslt().transform(src, result);
    StringBuffer sb = outWriter.getBuffer();
    payload = sb.toString();
} catch (TransformerException e) {
    throw new ComponentException("Unable to extract SOAP Body");
finally {
    LOG.debug("Closing XSLT transformer output stream");
    try {
    catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to close stream for SOAP message");



new java.io.StringReader(doc)

09-27 15:55