我用一个简单的编码结构来模拟尺寸大于3的铁磁体的Ising Model,但是在效率上有一些问题。在我的代码中,有一个特定的函数是瓶颈。

"site_i is a random value between 0 and n-1 denoting the site of the ith spin"
"coord is an array of size (n**dim,dim) that contains the coordinates of ever spin"
"spins is an array of shape (n**dim,1) that contains the spin values (-1 or 1)"
"n is the lattice size and dim is the dimensionality"
"neighbor_coupling is the number that tells the function to return the neighbor spins that are one spacing away, two spacing away, etc."

def calc_neighbors(site_i,coord,spins,n,dim,neighbor_coupling):
    # Extract all nearest neighbors
    # Obtain the coordinates of each nearest neighbor
    # How many neighbors to extract
    num_NN = 2*dim
    # Store the results in a result array
    result_coord = np.zeros((num_NN,dim))
    result_spins = np.zeros((num_NN,1))
    # Get the coordinates of the ith site
    site_coord = coord[site_i]
    # Run through the + and - for each scalar value in the vector in site_coord
    count = 0
    for i in range(0,dim):
        assert count <= num_NN, "Accessing more than nearest neighbors values."
        site_coord_i = site_coord[i]
        plus = site_coord_i + neighbor_coupling
        minus = site_coord_i - neighbor_coupling

        # Implement periodic boundaries
        if (plus > (n-1)): plus = plus - n
        if (minus < 0): minus = n - np.abs(minus)

        # Store the coordinates
        result_coord[count] = site_coord
        result_coord[count][i] = minus
        # Store the spin value
        spin_index = np.where(np.all(result_coord[count]==coord,axis=1))[0][0]
        result_spins[count] = spins[spin_index]
        count = count + 1

        # Store the coordinates
        result_coord[count] = site_coord
        result_coord[count][i] = plus
        # Store the spin value
        spin_index = np.where(np.all(result_coord[count]==coord,axis=1))[0][0]
        result_spins[count] = spins[spin_index]
        count = count + 1




    # New coords, implement periodic boundaries
    plus = (site_coord[i] + neighbor_coupling) % n
    minus = (site_coord[i] - neighbor_coupling + n) % n

    # Store the coordinates
    rcc = site_coord
    rcc[i] = plus
    # Store the spin value
    spin_index = np.where(np.all(rcc==coord,axis=1))[0][0]
    result_spins[count] = spins[spin_index]
    result_coord[count] = rcc
    count += 1


09-27 00:21