id | name | birthday | address | gender
1 | JOSEPH | 19920413 | NEW YORK | M
2 | JAKE | 19920413 | LONDON | M
3 | JOHN | 19920413 | GERMANY | M
birthday | gender
19920413 | M
19920413 | M
19920413 | M
column_name | value
birthday | 19920413
gender | M
create function foo(out f_name text, out f_value text) returns setof record language plpgsql immutable as $$
h hstore;
r hstore := null;
n text[];
for h in select hstore(t.*) from tbl_customer as t loop
if r is null then
r := h;
/* -- To ignore NULLs so the null values does not affects to the result
select array_agg(key) into n from each(r) where value is null;
r := r || coalesce(slice(h, n), '');
select array_agg(key) into n from each(h) where value is null;
h := h || coalesce(slice(r, n), '');
*/ -- I believe that there is much more elegant solution is possible
r := r - akeys(r - h);
exit when r = '';
end if;
end loop;
raise info '%', r;
return query select * from each(r);
end $$;
select * from foo();
INFO: "gender"=>"M", "birthday"=>"19920413"
║ f_name │ f_value ║
║ gender │ M ║
║ birthday │ 19920413 ║