
public int[][] init2(int width, int length, int num){
    int[][] board = int[width][length];
    int[] bomb = new int[num];
    for(int i =0; i<num; i++){
        bomb[i] = i;
    Random rand = new Random();
    for(int i = num; i<width*length; i++){
        int pos = rand.nextInt(i);
        if(pos < num){
            bomb[pos] = i;
    // TO DO
    // and then restore the pos to board

// Fisher–Yates shuffle
public int[][] init3(int width, int length, int num){
    int[][] board = int[width][length];
    for(int i =0; i<num; i++){
        board[i%width][i/width] = 1;
    Random rand = new Random();
    for(int i = num; i<width*length; i++){
        int pos = rand.nextInt(i+1);
        swap(board, i, pos);

public void swap(int[][] board, int pos1, int pos2){
    int temp = board[pos1%width][pos1/width];
    board[pos1%width][pos1/width] = board[pos2%width][pos2/width];
    board[pos2%width][pos2/width] = temp;




| ALGORITHM    | INPUT(S)       | OUTPUT                      | TIME | SPACE |
| FISHER-YATES | n elements     | A list containing all n     | O(n) | O(n)  |
| SHUFFLE      |                | elements in a random order  |      |       |
| RESERVOIR    | n elements and | A set containing k of the n | O(n) | O(k)  |
| SAMPLING     | an integer k   | elements, selected randomly |      |       |


09-25 22:30