




int readfd;
int writefd;

// initialize readfd & writefd, ...
// e.g. with: open(2), socket(2), pipe(2), dup(2) syscalls

struct pollfd fdtab[2];

memset (fdtab, 0, sizeof(fdtab)); // not necessary, but I am paranoid

// first slot for readfd polled for input
fdtab[0].fd = readfd;
fdtab[0].events = POLLIN;
fdtab[0].revents = 0;

// second slot with writefd polled for output
fdtab[1].fd = writefd;
fdtab[1].events = POLLOUT;
fdtab[1].revents = 0;

// do the poll(2) syscall with a 100 millisecond timeout
int retpoll = poll(fdtab, 2, 100);

if (retpoll > 0) {
   if (fdtab[0].revents & POLLIN) {
      /* read from readfd,
         since you can read from it without being blocked */
   if (fdtab[1].revents & POLLOUT) {
      /* write to writefd,
         since you can write to it without being blocked */
else if (retpoll == 0) {
   /* the poll has timed out, nothing can be read or written */
else {
   /* the poll failed */
   perror("poll failed");

09-25 21:26