我有一个python dict,其中每个键对应一个标题,并且与每个标题关联的列表包含任意数量的值:
data = {
"heading1": ['h1-val1', 'h1-val2', 'h1-val3', ],
"heading2": ['h2-val1', ],
"heading3": ['h3-val1', 'h3-val2', 'h3-val3', 'h3-val4', ],
# Using the data dict from the question:
size = max(len(data['heading1']), len(data['heading2']), len(data['heading3']))
matrix = [[None, None, None] for i in range(size)] # initialize an empty matrix
# manually copy the data into the appropriate column :(
i = 0
for item in data['heading1']:
matrix[i][0] = item
i += 1
i = 0
for item in data['heading2']:
matrix[i][1] = item
i += 1
i = 0
for item in data['heading3']:
matrix[i][2] = item
i += 1
{% for row in matrix %}
{% for col in row %}
<td>{% if col %}{{ col }}{% else %} {% endif %}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
from django.template import Context, Template
data = {
"heading1": ['h1-val1', 'h1-val2', 'h1-val3', ],
"heading2": ['h2-val1', ],
"heading3": ['h3-val1', 'h3-val2', 'h3-val3', 'h3-val4', ],
# we'll need to split the headings from the data
# rather than using keys() I'm just hard coding so I can control the order
headings = ["heading1", "heading2", "heading3"]
columns = [data[heading] for heading in headings]
# get the length of the longest column
max_len = len(max(columns, key=len))
for col in columns:
# padding the short columns with None
col += [None,] * (max_len - len(col))
# Then rotate the structure...
rows = [[col[i] for col in columns] for i in range(max_len)]
dj_template ="""
{# headings #}
{% for heading in headings %}
<th>{{ heading }}</th>
{% endfor %}
{# data #}
{% for row in data %}
{% for val in row %}
<td>{{ val|default:'' }}</td>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
# finally, the code I used to render the template:
tmpl = Template(dj_template)
tmpl.render(Context(dict(data=rows, headings=headings)))