
python - 基于Python印象的N-gram分析-LMLPHP


def find_ngrams(text, n):
    word_vectorizer = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(n,n), analyzer='word')
    sparse_matrix = word_vectorizer.fit_transform(text)
    frequencies = sum(sparse_matrix).toarray()[0]
    ngram =

ngram = ngram.sort_values(by=['frequency'], ascending=[False])
return ngram

one = find_ngrams(df['query'],1)
bi = find_ngrams(df['query'],2)
tri = find_ngrams(df['query'],3)
quad = find_ngrams(df['query'],4)
pent = find_ngrams(df['query'],5)
hexx = find_ngrams(df['query'],6)

我认为我需要做的是:1.将查询分成一个单词到六个单词。 2.将印象附加到拆分词上。 3.重新组合所有拆分词并加总印象。


(1) 1-gram: dog, common, diseases, and, how, to, treat, them;
(2) 2-gram: dog common, common diseases, diseases and, and how, how to, to treat, treat them;
(3) 3-gram: dog common diseases, common diseases and, diseases and how, and how to, how to treat, to treat them;
(4) 4-gram: dog common diseases and, common diseases and how, diseases and how to, and how to treat, how to treat them;
(5) 5-gram: dog common diseases and how, the queries into one word, diseases and how to treat, and how to treat them;
(6) 6-gram: dog common diseases and how to, common diseases and how to treat, diseases and how to treat them;



import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({
    "squery": ["how to feed a dog", "dog habits", "to cat or not to cat", "dog owners"],
    "count": [1000, 200, 100, 150]

def n_grams(txt):
    grams = list()
    words = txt.split(' ')
    for i in range(len(words)):
        for k in range(1, len(words) - i + 1):
            grams.append(" ".join(words[i:i+k]))
    return pd.Series(grams)

counts = df.squery.apply(n_grams).join(df)

counts.drop("squery", axis=1).set_index("count").unstack()\
    .drop("level_0", axis=1).groupby("ngram")["count"].sum()


a                       1000
a dog                   1000
cat                      200
cat or                   100
cat or not               100
cat or not to            100
cat or not to cat        100
dog                     1350
dog habits               200
dog owners               150
feed                    1000
feed a                  1000
feed a dog              1000
habits                   200
how                     1000
how to                  1000
how to feed             1000
how to feed a           1000
how to feed a dog       1000
not                      100
not to                   100
not to cat               100
or                       100
or not                   100
or not to                100
or not to cat            100
owners                   150
to                      1200
to cat                   200
to cat or                100
to cat or not            100
to cat or not to         100
to cat or not to cat     100
to feed                 1000
to feed a               1000
to feed a dog           1000



import numpy as np
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer

cv = CountVectorizer(ngram_range=(1, 5))
ngrams = cv.fit_transform(df.squery)
mask = np.repeat(df['count'].values.reshape(-1, 1), repeats = len(cv.vocabulary_), axis = 1)
index = list(map(lambda x: x[0], sorted(cv.vocabulary_.items(), key = lambda x: x[1])))
pd.Series(np.multiply(mask, ngrams.toarray()).sum(axis = 0), name = "counts", index = index)

关于python - 基于Python印象的N-gram分析,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43528296/

10-12 22:50