
function generateLegenda(catlist) {
for (z=0; z < catlist.length ; z++) {

    var legenda = d3.select("div.legendaCats")
                    .attr("class", "legendaItem")
                    .on("click", function(d, z){
                        blueLine = catlist[z];

                        // Determine if current line is visible
                        var active   = (d3.selectAll("#" + blueLine)).active ? false : true,
                          newOpacity = active ? 0.2 : 1;

                        // Hide or show the elements
                        d3.selectAll("#" + blueLine).style("opacity", newOpacity);
                        d3.selectAll("#" + blueLine).style("opacity", newOpacity);

                        // Update whether or not the elements are active
                        (d3.selectAll("#" + blueLine)).active = active;



function generateLegenda(catlist) {

    for (z=0; z < catlist.length ; z++) {

        var legenda = d3.select("div.legendaCats")
          .attr("class", "legendaItem")
          .on("click", (function(catIndex){
              return function(d){
                    blueLine = catlist[catIndex];

                    // Determine if current line is visible
                    var active   = (d3.selectAll("#" + blueLine)).active ? false : true,
                      newOpacity = active ? 0.2 : 1;

                    // Hide or show the elements
                    d3.selectAll("#" + blueLine).style("opacity", newOpacity);
                    d3.selectAll("#" + blueLine).style("opacity", newOpacity);

                    // Update whether or not the elements are active
                    (d3.selectAll("#" + blueLine)).active = active;

09-25 17:34