

import random

a = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]

word = input('Enter rock, paper, or scissors: ')

def game():
    while True:
            if word not in a:
                raise ValueError #this will send it to the print message and back to the input option
        except ValueError:
            print(" You must enter rock, paper, or scissors.")

    comp_draw = random.choice(a)
    print('The computer drew ' + comp_draw)

    if comp_draw == 'rock' and word=='rock':
        print('It was a tie')
    elif comp_draw == 'paper' and word=='paper':
        print('It was a tie')
    elif comp_draw == 'scissors' and word=='scissors':
        print('It was a tie')

    elif comp_draw == 'paper' and word=='rock':
        print('you lost')
    elif comp_draw == 'rock' and word=='paper':
        print('you won!')

    elif comp_draw == 'rock' and word=='scissors':
        print('you lost')
    elif comp_draw == 'scissors' and word=='rock':
        print('you won!')

    elif comp_draw == 'scissors' and word=='rock':
        print('you won!')
    elif comp_draw == 'scissors' and word=='rock':
        print('you won!')


play_again = input('would you like to play again: ')



import random

a = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]

word = input('Enter rock, paper, or scissors: ')

def game():
    while True:
            if word not in a:
                raise ValueError #this will send it to the print message and back to the input option
        except ValueError:
            print(" You must enter rock, paper, or scissors.")

    comp_draw = random.choice(a)
    print('The computer drew ' + comp_draw)

    if comp_draw == 'rock' and word=='rock':
        print('It was a tie')
    elif comp_draw == 'paper' and word=='paper':
        print('It was a tie')
    elif comp_draw == 'scissors' and word=='scissors':
        print('It was a tie')

    elif comp_draw == 'paper' and word=='rock':
        print('you lost')
    elif comp_draw == 'rock' and word=='paper':
        print('you won!')

    elif comp_draw == 'rock' and word=='scissors':
        print('you lost')
    elif comp_draw == 'scissors' and word=='rock':
        print('you won!')

    elif comp_draw == 'scissors' and word=='rock':
        print('you won!')
    elif comp_draw == 'scissors' and word=='rock':
        print('you won!')

play_again = "yes"

while play_again == "yes":


    play_again = input('would you like to play again: ').lower()

关于python - 如何在python中重复石头,纸,剪刀的游戏,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/57658689/

10-12 21:40