
var lg = console.log;
var t = { a:{a1: 33, a12:{ aa1d: 444, cc:3 } }, b:00};
var isDefined = function(topObj, propertyPath) {
    if (typeof topObj !== 'object') {
        throw new Error('First argument must be of type \'object\'!');
    if (typeof propertyPath === 'string') {
        throw new Error('Second argument must be of type \'string\'!');
    var props = propertyPath.split('.');
    for(var i=0; i< props.length; i++) {
        var prp = props[i];
        lg('checking property: ' + prp);
        if (typeof topObj[prp] === 'undefined') {
            lg(prp + ' undefined!');
            return false;
        } else {
           topObj = topObj[prp];
    return true;
isDefined(t, 'a.a12.cc');



for (var i=0; i<props.length; i++) {
    var prp = props[i],
        val = topObj[prp];
    lg('checking property: ' + prp);
    if (typeof val === 'undefined') {
        lg(prp + ' undefined!');
        return false;
    } else if (val === null) {
        return i === props.length-1; // True if last, false otherwise
    } else {
        topObj = val;

10-06 15:20