function funstuff(a, b) {
//a and b can be any node in the DOM (text, element, etc)
if(b comes before a in document order) {
var t = b; b = a; a = t;
// process the nodes between a and b. I can handle this part
// when I know that a comes before b.
// Compare Position - MIT Licensed, John Resig
function comparePosition(a, b){
return a.compareDocumentPosition ?
a.compareDocumentPosition(b) :
a.contains ?
(a != b && a.contains(b) && 16) +
(a != b && b.contains(a) && 8) +
(a.sourceIndex >= 0 && b.sourceIndex >= 0 ?
(a.sourceIndex < b.sourceIndex && 4) +
(a.sourceIndex > b.sourceIndex && 2) :
1) +
0 :