(setq-default dotspacemacs-themes '(firebelly)) ;; additionally use with spacemacs
(use-package firebelly-theme
:config (progn
;; This beautiful palette is shamelessly stolen from chris
;; kempson's base16: https://github.com/chriskempson/base16
;; I keep a local copy of the firebelly colour layout so I
;; can tweak it to my taste
'("#ac4142" "#d28445" "#f4bf75" "#90a959"
"#75b5aa" "#6a9fb5" "#aa759f" "#8f5536"))
;; Simple grayscale palette.
'("#222222" "#292929" "#444444" "#555555"
"#666666" "#777777" "#888888" "#999999")))
;; Tiny functions to make getting from the palettes easier.
((color (n) (nth n palette))
(grey (n) (nth n greys)))
;; Define some faces for our theme.
;;;; Styling emacs.
((t (:background ,(grey 0) :foreground ,(grey 7)))))
((t (:background ,(grey 3)))))
((t (:background ,(color 5) :foreground ,(grey 3)))))
((t (:foreground ,(grey 6)))))
((t (:background ,(grey 2) :foreground ,(color 6)))))
((t (:background ,(grey 2) :foreground ,(color 6)))))
((t (:background ,(grey 1) :foreground ,(grey 3)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 1)))))
((t (:background ,(grey 1)))))
((t (:background ,(grey 1)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 2)))))
;; Fringes are ugly.
((t (:background ,(grey 0)))))
;; Highlight the border.
((t (:foreground ,(grey 1)))))
;; Mode lines look the same but for the text.
((t (:background ,(grey 1) :foreground ,(grey 6) :box nil))))
((t (:background ,(grey 1) :foreground ,(grey 3) :box nil))))
((t (:background ,(grey 1) :foreground ,(grey 3) :box nil))))
((t (:bold t))))
((t (:foreground ,(grey 7)))))
;; Regions are slightly lighter.
((t (:background ,(grey 2)))))
((t (:background ,(grey 2)))))
;;;; Styling code.
;; Comments are lighter than their delimiters.
((t (:foreground ,(grey 4)))))
((t (:foreground ,(grey 2)))))
;; Docstrings are slightly lighter.
((t (:foreground ,(grey 4) :background ,(grey 0)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 3)))))
((t (:foreground ,(grey 2)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 6)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 1)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 4)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 5) :background ,(grey 1)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 6)))))
;;;; Styling extensions.
;; Erc faces.
((t (:foreground ,(grey 2)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 3) :bold t))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 1) :background ,(grey 0)))))
((t (:foreground ,(grey 6)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 1)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 0)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 3)))))
;; Rainbow delimiters are mostly in order.
((t (:foreground ,(color 7)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 6)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 5)))))
((t (:foreground ,(grey 3)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 4)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 3)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 2)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 1)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 0)))))
;; shm faces
((t (:background ,(grey 1)))))
((t (:foreground ,(color 0) :background ,(grey 1)))))
;; linum-relative faces
((t (:background ,(grey 0) :foreground ,(color 1))))))))))
Spacemacs具有custom themes and colors的机制。但这在我的自定义层中直接调用时不起作用(请参阅here和here)。
好的,也解决了这个问题。我刚拍了firebelly repo,使其成为一个spacemacs层。为此,我所做的就是:
(在 .spacemacs.d / init.el 中)(B)。 一种)
├── firebelly-theme.el
├── packages.el -> firebelly-theme.el
├── readme.md
└── screenshot.png