
class Friend: NSObject {
var userID: String!
var schedule: Schedule!

init(friendUserID: String) {
    print("Initializing Friend.")
    self.userID = friendUserID
    let notificationIdentifier = friendUserID + "hasFinishedDownloading"
    print("Adding observer for:", notificationIdentifier)
    nc.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(haveFinishedDownload), name: Notification.Name(notificationIdentifier), object: nil)
    let friendSchedule = Schedule(userID: friendUserID)
    self.schedule = friendSchedule

@objc func haveFinishedDownload(notification: Notification) {
    print("Download Finished.")

class Schedule: NSObject {

//The Key is what day it meets period 4
//The value is an SSAClass object
var ssaClassesDictionary:Dictionary<Int, SSAClass> = [:]

func addClassToDicitonary(classObject: SSAClass!) {
    self.ssaClassesDictionary[classObject.day!] = classObject

func fillClasses(userID: String!) {
    print("Filling Classses")
    var userOrTeacher: String!

    switch isUserTeacher(user: userID) {
    case true:
        userOrTeacher = "Teachers"
    case false:
        userOrTeacher = "Users"
    print("Ref about to run")
    ref.child(userOrTeacher).child(userID!).child("c").observe(.value, with: {(snapshot) in
        print("Ref has started downloading")

        if (snapshot.value != nil) {
            let snapshotValue: [String] = snapshot.value as! [String]
            print("snapshot.value != nil")
            var numberDownloaded = 0

            for i in snapshotValue {
                print("running for loop iteration:", i)
                ref.child("Classes").child(i).observeSingleEvent(of: .value, with: {(snapshot) in

                    let value = snapshot.value as! Dictionary<String, Any>

                    //"year", "1", "2", or "3"
                    var customTerm: String!

                    //"year", 1, 2, or 3
                    let term = value["term"]
                    switch term {
                    case is String.Type:
                        customTerm = "year"
                    case is Int.Type:
                        customTerm = "\(term!)"
                    default: customTerm = "year"

                    let ssaClass = SSAClass(classID: i, AB: value["AB"] as! Bool, Sci: value["Sci"] as! Bool, name: value["n"] as! String, room: value["room"] as! String, term: customTerm, day: value["d"] as! Int)
                    if ssaClass.term == "year" || ssaClass.term == "3" {
                        self.addClassToDicitonary(classObject: ssaClass)

                    numberDownloaded = numberDownloaded + 1

            DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async {
                //This is run on the background queue
                print("Running asynchronous Code")
                while numberDownloaded < snapshotValue.count {

                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    print("Finished While Loop, going back to main thread")
                    //This is run on the main queue, after the previous code in outer block
                    //Post notification
                    let notificationIdentifier = userID + "hasFinishedDownloading"
                    print("Posting Notification for:", notificationIdentifier)
                    nc.post(name: Notification.Name(notificationIdentifier), object: nil)



init(userID: String!) {
    fillClasses(userID: userID)

Initializing Friend.
Adding observer for: 19wangdhasFinishedDownloading
Filling Classses
Ref about to run
Ref has started downloading
snapshot.value != nil
running for loop iteration: CH402 - 1
running for loop iteration: CH404 - 1
running for loop iteration: CH406 - 2
running for loop iteration: CS400 - 11
running for loop iteration: CS411 - 11
running for loop iteration: EN301 - 3
running for loop iteration: EN302 - 1
running for loop iteration: EN4014 - 2
running for loop iteration: FR360 - 1
running for loop iteration: HI300 - 8
running for loop iteration: MA405 - 2
running for loop iteration: MA406 - 1
running for loop iteration: MA501 - 2
running for loop iteration: MA506 - 1
Running asynchronous Code
Finished While Loop, going back to main thread
Posting Notification for: 19wangdhasFinishedDownloading




deinit {
    print("\(userID) deallocated")

关于swift - 在NSObject中收到NSNotification时的调用方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49225278/

10-12 18:08