
我正在使用JSON VB6解析器,该解析器位于:VB JSON Parser


{“状态”:“ REQUEST_SUCCEEDED”,“响应时间”:71,“消息”:[],“结果”:{
[{“ seriesID”:“ WPS012”,“ data”:[{“ year”:“ 2014”,“ period”:“ M11”,“ periodName”:“ 11月”,“ value”:“ 153.6”,“脚注“:[{” code“:” P“,” text“:”初步。所有索引均应在原始发布后的四个月内进行修订。“}]},{” year“:” 2014“,” period“:” M10“,” periodName“:”十月“,” value“:” 147.4“,”脚注“:[{” code“:” P“,” text“:”初步。所有索引均应在原始版本之后四个月进行修订Publication。“}]},{” year“:” 2014“,” period“:” M09“,” periodName“:” September“,” value“:” 146.5“,” footnotes“:[{” code“: “ P”,“ text”:“初步。所有索引都会在原始出版物发布后四个月进行修订。”}]},{“ year”:“ 2014”,“ period”:“ M08”,“ periodName”:“ August“,” value“:” 156.9“,” footnotes“:[{” code“:” P“,” text“:”初稿。所有索引均应在原始出版后的四个月内进行修订。“}]},{ “ year”:“ 2014”,“ period”:“ M07”,“ periodName”:“ July”,“ value”:“ 156.4”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2014” ,“ period”:“ M06”,“ periodName”:“ June”,“ value”:“ 179.6”,“ footnotes”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2014”,“ peri od“:” M05“,” periodName“:
“ May”,“ value”:“ 205.4”,“ footnotes”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2014”,“ period”:“ M04”,“ periodName”:“ April”,“ value” :“ 201.6”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2014”,“句号”:“ M03”,“ periodName”:“三月”,“值”:“ 188.1”,“脚注“:[{{}]},{” year“:” 2014“,” period“:” M02“,” periodName“:” February“,” value“:” 180.2“,” footnotes“:[{}]} ,{“ year”:“ 2014”,“ period”:“ M01”,“ periodName”:“一月”,“ value”:“ 177.8”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2013”​​,“句号”:“ M12”,“ periodName”:“ December”,“ value”:“ 183.2”,“ footnotes”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2013”​​,“ period”: “ M11”,“ periodName”:“十一月”,“值”:“ 180.4”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2013”​​,“ period”:“ M10”,“ periodName” :“十月”,“值”:“ 186.4”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“年”:“ 2013”​​,“句号”:“ M09”,“ periodName”:“九月”,“值“:” 197.1“,”脚注“:[{}]},{” year“:” 2013“,” period“:” M08“,” periodName“:” August“,” value“:” 222.2“,” footnotes“:[{}]},{” year“:” 2013“,” period“:” M07“,” periodName“:” July“,” value“:” 252.9“,” footnotes“:[{}] },{“ year”:“ 2013”​​,“ period”:“ M06”,“ periodName”:“ June”,“ value”:“ 259.0”,“ footnotes”:[{}]},{“ year”: ” 2013“,”句号“:” M05“,” p
eriodName“:”五月“,” value“:” 263.7“,”脚注“:[{}]},{” year“:” 2013“,” period“:” M04“,” periodName“:” April“, “ value”:“ 249.3”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2013”​​,“ period”:“ M03”,“ periodName”:“ March”,“ value”:“ 268.1” ,“ footnotes”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2013”​​,“ period”:“ M02”,“ periodName”:“ February”,“ value”:“ 267.1”,“ footnotes”:[{ }]},{“ year”:“ 2013”​​,“ period”:“ M01”,“ periodName”:“ January”,“ value”:“ 279.7”,“ footnotes”:[{}]},{“ year “:” 2012“,”句号“:” M12“,” periodName“:”十二月“,”值“:” 283.2“,”脚注“:[{}]},{” year“:” 2012“,” period“:” M11“,” periodName“:” 11月“,” value“:” 280.8“,”脚注“:[{}]},{” year“:” 2012“,” period“:” M10“, “ periodName”:“十月”,“ value”:“ 286.7”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2012”,“ period”:“ M09”,“ periodName”:“ September” ,“ value”:“ 285.2”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2012”,“ period”:“ M08”,“ periodName”:“ August”,“ value”:“ 298.9 “,” footnotes“:[{}]},{” year“:” 2012“,” period“:” M07“,” periodName“:” July“,” value“:” 275.8“,” footnotes“:[ {}]},{“ year”:“ 2012”,“ period”:“ M06”,“ periodName”:“ June”,“ value”:“ 226.9”,“ footnotes”:[{}] },{“ year”:“ 2012”,“ perio
d“:” M05“,” periodName“:” May“,” value“:” 233.7“,”脚注“:[{}]},{” year“:” 2012“,” period“:” M04“, “ periodName”:“ April”,“ value”:“ 239.9”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“ year”:“ 2012”,“ period”:“ M03”,“ periodName”:“ March” ,“值”:“ 243.6”,“脚注”:[{}]},{“年”:“ 2012”,“句号”:“ M02”,“句号名称”:“二月”,“值”:“ 239.9” “,” footnotes“:[{}]},{” year“:” 2012“,” period“:” M01“,” periodName“:” January“,” value“:” 243.8“,” footnotes“:[ {}]}]}]

我能够使用解析器返回“状态”,“ responseTime”和“消息”。除此之外(第二个花括号的开头),我什么也没得到。


Dim p As Object
Set p = JSON.parse(gbl_response)

'Print the text of a nested property '
Debug.Print p.Item("responseTime")
'Print the text of a property within an array '
Debug.Print p.Item("Results").Item("series").Item("seriesID")

p.Item(“ responseTime”)的打印工作并返回“ 71”,但是在第二次打印尝试时出现“无效的调用过程或参数”错误。




Public Const jsonSource As String = "{" & _
  """status"": ""REQUEST_SUCCEEDED"", " & _
  """responseTime"": 71, " & _
  """message"": [ " & _
  "], " & _
  """Results"": { " & _
    """series"": [ " & _
      "{ " & _
        """seriesID"": ""WPS012"", " & _
        """data"": [ " & _
          "{ " & _
            """year"": ""2014"", " & _
            """period"": ""M11"", " & _
            """periodName"": ""November"", " & _
            """value"": ""153.6"", " & _
            """footnotes"": [ " & _
              "{ " & _
                """code"": ""P"", " & _
                """text"": ""Preliminary. All indexes are subject to revision four months after original publication."" " & _
              "} " & _
            "] " & _
          "} " & _
        "] " & _

Sub JsonTest()
    Dim jsonData As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set jsonData = JSON.parse(jsonSource)

    Dim responseTime As String
    responseTime = jsonData("responseTime")

    Dim results As Scripting.Dictionary
    Set results = jsonData("Results")

    Dim series As Collection
    Set series = results("series")

    Dim seriesItem As Scripting.Dictionary
    For Each seriesItem In series
        Dim seriesId As String
        seriesId = seriesItem("seriesID")
        Debug.Print seriesId

        Dim data As Collection
        Set data = seriesItem("data")

        Dim dataItem As Scripting.Dictionary
        For Each dataItem In data
            Dim year As String
            year = dataItem("year")

            Dim period As String
            period = dataItem("period")

            Dim periodName As String
            periodName = dataItem("periodName")

            Dim value As String
            value = dataItem("value")

            Dim footnotes As Collection
            Set footnotes = dataItem("footnotes")

            Dim footnotesItem As Scripting.Dictionary
            For Each footnotesItem In footnotes
                Dim code As String
                code = footnotesItem("code")

                Dim text As String
                text = footnotesItem("text")

            Next footnotesItem
        Next dataItem
    Next seriesItem
End Sub

10-08 09:16