
int *a;
*a = 10;

在 eclipse ,它没有打印出任何东西。



  • int *a;这定义一个变量,它是一个指向整数类型的指针。创建时的指针类型变量a包含垃圾值。
  • 执行*a = 10;时,必须将存储在a中的值(即垃圾)用作地址,并将值10存储在此处。因为我们不知道a包含什么内容,并且没有分配它,所以a指向某个未知的内存位置,访问它是非法的,并且会给您带来分段错误(或类似的错误)。
  • printf ("%d", *a);相同。这还会尝试访问存储在尚未分配的某些 undefined 存储位置中的值。

  • this variable is       this is the location
    stored in some         with the address
    address on the         'garbage'. You do not
    stack                  have permissions to
                           access this
    | name  | value   |
    +-------+---------+     +---------+
    |  a    | garbage |---->| ?????   |
    +-------+---------+     +---------+


    int *a;
    a = malloc (sizeof (int)); /* allocates a block of memory
                                        * of size of one integer
    *a = 10;
    printf ("%d", *a);
    free (a); /* You need to free it after you have used the memory
               * location back to the OS yourself.


    *a = 10;之后。指针变量在堆栈中分配。此时,a包含一个垃圾值。然后a指向具有该垃圾值的地址。
    this variable is       this is the location
    stored in some         with the address
    address on the         'garbage'. You do not
    stack                  have permissions to
                           access this
    | name  | value   |
    +-------+---------+     +---------+
    |  a    | garbage |---->| ?????   |
    +-------+---------+     +---------+

    a = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int));之后。让我们假设malloc返回您要使用的地址0x1234abcd。此时,a将包含0x1234abcd,然后a指向已分配并保留供您使用的有效内存位置。但是请注意,0x1234abcd中的值可以是任何值,即。垃圾。您可以使用calloc来设置分配给0的内存位置的内容。
    this variable is       this is the location
    stored in some         0x1234abcd , allocated
    address on the         by malloc, and reserved
    stack                  for your program. You have
                           access to this location.
    | name  | value      |
    +-------+------------+     +---------+
    |  a    | 0x1234abcd |---->|  garbage|
    +-------+------------+     +---------+

    *a = 10;之后,通过*a您可以访问内存位置0x1234abcd并将10存储到其中。
    this variable is       this is the location
    stored in some         0x1234abcd , allocated
    address on the         by malloc, and reserved
    stack                  for your program. You have
                           access to this location.
    | name  | value      |
    +-------+------------+     +---------+
    |  a    | 0x1234abcd |---->|    10   |
    +-------+------------+     +---------+

    free (a)之后,a的内容即。内存地址0x1234abcd将被释放,即返回到操作系统。请注意,释放0x1234abcd之后,a的内容仍然是0x1234abcd,但是您不能再合法访问它,因为您只是释放了它。访问由a中存储的地址指向的内容将导致 undefined 的行为,很可能是分段错误或堆损坏,因为它已被释放并且您没有访问权限。
    this variable is       this is the location
    stored in some         0x1234abcd , allocated
    address on the         by malloc. You have freed it.
    stack                  Now you CANNOT access it legally
    | name  | value      |
    +-------+------------+     +---------+
    |  a    | 0x1234abcd |     |    10   |
    +-------+------------+     +---------+
    the contents of a remains
    the same.


    还要注意printf ("%d", a);printf ("%d", *a);之间的区别。当您引用a时,它仅打印a0x1234abcd的内容。当您引用*a时,它将使用0x1234abcd作为地址,然后打印该地址的内容,在这种情况下为10
    this variable is       this is the location
    stored in some         0x1234abcd , allocated
    address on the         by malloc, and reserved
    stack                  for your program. You have
                           access to this location.
    | name  | value      |
    +-------+------------+     +---------+
    |  a    | 0x1234abcd |---->|    10   |
    +-------+------------+     +---------+
                  ^                 ^
                  |                 |
                  |                 |
          (contents of 'a')   (contents of the   )
                  |           (location, pointed )
    printf ("%d", a);         (    by 'a'        )
    printf ("%d", *a);


    int *a;
    a = malloc (sizeof (int)); /* allocates a block of memory
                                        * of size of one integer
    if (a == NULL)
      printf ("\nCannot allocate memory. Terminating");
      exit (1);
    *a = 10;
    printf ("%d", *a);
    free (a); /* You need to free it after you have used the memory
               * location back to the OS yourself.

    09-15 21:20