
void DisplayStudentsInRange(const StudentType student[], int numStudents, int lownum, int highnum)
    cout <<"Enter two values from 0-100 for the range of test scores you want to view: ";
    cin >> lownum >> highnum;

    if ( lownum < 0 || highnum < 0 || lownum > highnum || lownum > 100 || highnum > 100)
        cout <<"Please re-enter 2 values of test scores that you want to view from within the range 0-100";
        cin >> lownum >> highnum;

    cout << endl << "List of students with scores in the range " << lownum << " to " << highnum << endl << endl;

    for(int i = 0; i < numStudents; i++)
        if(student[i].testScore >= lownum && student[i].testScore <= highnum)

            cout << setw(20) << student[i].studentName << setw(10) << student[i].testScore << setw(10) << student[i].grade << endl;
    cout << endl;



if ( (lownum < 0) || (highnum < 0) || (lownum > highnum) || (lownum > 100) || (highnum > 100))


09-07 07:30