

//* Customize search form input box text
add_filter( 'genesis_search_text', 'sp_search_text' );
function sp_search_text( $text ) {
    return esc_attr( 'Search my blog...' );



 * Replace the default search form with a Genesis-specific form.
 * The exact output depends on whether the child theme supports HTML5 or not.
 * Applies the `genesis_search_text`, `genesis_search_button_text`, `genesis_search_form_label` and
 * `genesis_search_form` filters.
 * @since 0.2.0
 * @return string HTML markup for search form.

add_filter( 'get_search_form', 'genesis_search_form' );

function genesis_search_form() {
    $search_text = get_search_query() ? apply_filters( 'the_search_query', get_search_query() ) : apply_filters( 'genesis_search_text', __( 'Search this website', 'genesis' ) . ' &#x02026;' );

    $button_text = apply_filters( 'genesis_search_button_text', esc_attr__( 'Search', 'genesis' ) );

    $onfocus = "if ('" . esc_js( $search_text ) . "' === this.value) {this.value = '';}";
    $onblur  = "if ('' === this.value) {this.value = '" . esc_js( $search_text ) . "';}";

    // Empty label, by default. Filterable.
    $label = apply_filters( 'genesis_search_form_label', '' );

    $value_or_placeholder = ( get_search_query() == '' ) ? 'placeholder' : 'value';

    if ( genesis_html5() ) {

        $form  = sprintf( '<form %s>', genesis_attr( 'search-form' ) );

        if ( genesis_a11y( 'search-form' ) ) {

            if ( '' == $label )  {
                $label = apply_filters( 'genesis_search_text', __( 'Search this website', 'genesis' ) );

            $form_id = uniqid( 'searchform-' );

            $form .= sprintf(
                '<meta itemprop="target" content="%s"/><label class="search-form-label screen-reader-text" for="%s">%s</label><input itemprop="query-input" type="search" name="s" id="%s" %s="%s" /><input type="submit" value="%s" /></form>',
                home_url( '/?s={s}' ),
                esc_attr( $form_id ),
                esc_html( $label ),
                esc_attr( $form_id ),
                esc_attr( $search_text ),
                esc_attr( $button_text )

        } else {

            $form .= sprintf(
                '%s<meta itemprop="target" content="%s"/><input itemprop="query-input" type="search" name="s" %s="%s" /><input type="submit" value="%s"  /></form>',
                esc_html( $label ),
                home_url( '/?s={s}' ),
                esc_attr( $search_text ),
                esc_attr( $button_text )

    } else {

        $form = sprintf(
            '<form method="get" class="searchform search-form" action="%s" role="search" >%s<input type="text" value="%s" name="s" class="s search-input" onfocus="%s" onblur="%s" /><input type="submit" class="searchsubmit search-submit" value="%s" /></form>',
            home_url( '/' ),
            esc_html( $label ),
            esc_attr( $search_text ),
            esc_attr( $onfocus ),
            esc_attr( $onblur ),
            esc_attr( $button_text )


    return apply_filters( 'genesis_search_form', $form, $search_text, $button_text, $label );


remove_filter( 'get_search_form', 'genesis_search_form' );

add_filter( 'get_search_form', 'my_search_form' );


 * Replace the default search form with a Genesis-specific form.
 * The exact output depends on whether the child theme supports HTML5 or not.
 * Applies the `genesis_search_text`, `genesis_search_button_text`, `genesis_search_form_label` and
 * `genesis_search_form` filters.
 * @since 0.2.0
 * @return string HTML markup for search form.

remove_filter( 'get_search_form', 'genesis_search_form' );

add_filter( 'get_search_form', 'my_search_form' );

function my_search_form() {
    $search_text = get_search_query() ? apply_filters( 'the_search_query', get_search_query() ) : apply_filters( 'genesis_search_text', __( 'Search this website', 'genesis' ) . ' &#x02026;' );

    $button_text = apply_filters( 'genesis_search_button_text', esc_attr__( 'Search', 'genesis' ) );

    $onfocus = "if ('" . esc_js( $search_text ) . "' === this.value) {this.value = '';}";
    $onblur  = "if ('' === this.value) {this.value = '" . esc_js( $search_text ) . "';}";

    // Empty label, by default. Filterable.
    $label = apply_filters( 'genesis_search_form_label', '' );

    $value_or_placeholder = ( get_search_query() == '' ) ? 'placeholder' : 'value';

    if ( genesis_html5() ) {

        $form  = sprintf( '<form %s>', genesis_attr( 'search-form' ) );

        if ( genesis_a11y( 'search-form' ) ) {

            if ( '' == $label )  {
                $label = apply_filters( 'genesis_search_text', __( 'Search this website', 'genesis' ) );

            $form_id = uniqid( 'searchform-' );

            $form .= sprintf(
                '<meta itemprop="target" content="%s"/><label class="search-form-label screen-reader-text" for="%s">%s</label><input itemprop="query-input" type="search" name="s" id="%s" %s="%s" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" dir="auto" /><input type="submit" value="%s" /></form>',
                home_url( '/?s={s}' ),
                esc_attr( $form_id ),
                esc_html( $label ),
                esc_attr( $form_id ),
                esc_attr( $search_text ),
                esc_attr( $button_text )

        } else {

            $form .= sprintf(
                '%s<meta itemprop="target" content="%s"/><input itemprop="query-input" type="search" name="s" %s="%s" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" dir="auto" /><input type="submit" value="%s"  /></form>',
                esc_html( $label ),
                home_url( '/?s={s}' ),
                esc_attr( $search_text ),
                esc_attr( $button_text )

    } else {

        $form = sprintf(
            '<form method="get" class="searchform search-form" action="%s" role="search" >%s<input type="text" value="%s" name="s" class="s search-input" onfocus="%s" onblur="%s" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" dir="auto" /><input type="submit" class="searchsubmit search-submit" value="%s" /></form>',
            home_url( '/' ),
            esc_html( $label ),
            esc_attr( $search_text ),
            esc_attr( $onfocus ),
            esc_attr( $onblur ),
            esc_attr( $button_text )


    return apply_filters( 'my_search_form', $form, $search_text, $button_text, $label );



Documentation for get_search_form

Documentation for genesis_search_form

Documentation for Genesis Snippets



add_filter( 'genesis_search_form', 'my_search_form_filter', 5 );
function my_search_form_filter($form) {

    $document = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath = new DOMXPath($document);
    $input = $xpath->query('//input[@name="s"]');
    if ($input->length > 0) {
        $input->item(0)->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'off');

    # remove <!DOCTYPE
    # remove <html><body></body></html>
    $document->replaceChild($document->firstChild->firstChild->firstChild, $document->firstChild);
    $form_html = $document->saveHTML();

    return $form_html;




在这里,您可以找到安装了genesis主题的Dev Wordpress网站,并且可以检查搜索输入框,并看到其autocomplete属性设置为off:http://wp.dev.lytrax.net/


php - 自定义Wordpress搜索表单模板(创世纪)-LMLPHP


10-07 22:35