现在,我可以通过在代码中编写所有元素来创建.sln文件。但是项目文件不需要此文件,可以使用MSBuild Project类对其进行编辑。


我看到Programmatically generate Visual Studio Solution表示要使用Visual Studio SDK(用于扩展Visual Studio,编写插件...),但是没有任何代码示例。



这是如何使用SLNTools 在代码中创建sln文件。代码是一团糟!但这有效!

SLN Tools项目能够从项目文件创建sln文件。它是开源的,并且提供用于编辑和合并sln文件的UI。在这种情况下,您可以使用核心项目,并通过在项目中引用“CWDev.SLNTools.Core.dll”,可以编写如下代码:

注意:类的某些部分未在此处显示,而且我自己的项目中有一些自定义对象,例如Sln,Project和...,不应与同名的SLNTools Objects混淆。我评论了需要的地方!

using CWDev.SLNTools.Core;
using SlnFile = CWDev.SLNTools.Core.SolutionFile;
using SlnProject = CWDev.SLNTools.Core.Project;
using SeptaCodeGenerator.Core.IO;

public class SlnFileManager
    // * Note: Sln is of my own type.
    Sln _sln;
    // * SolutionFile is the type in SLNTools project that we use
    SlnFile _slnFile;

    public void WriteNewSlnFile(Sln slnObject)
        _sln = slnObject;
        _slnFile = new SlnFile(); // or you can read sln file like below
        using (SolutionFileReader reader = new SolutionFileReader(_sln.ObjectFullPath))
            _slnFile = reader.ReadSolutionFile();
        // add projects
        List<SolutionNode> sns = _sln.GetAllSubItemsOf(typeof(SolutionFolder), typeof(ProjectNode));
        foreach (SolutionNode sn in sns)

        using (SolutionFileWriter writer = new SolutionFileWriter(_sln.ObjectFullPath))

    // this is how I create and add project sections, using Section and PropertyLine
    private SlnProject CreateProject(SolutionNode sn)
        List<Section> projectSections = CreateProjectSections(sn);
        List<PropertyLine> versionControlLines = CreateVersionControlLines(sn);
        List<PropertyLine> projectConfigurationPlatformsLines = CreateProjectConfigurationPlatformsLines(sn);

        string parentGuid = (sn.Parent is Sln ? null : sn.Parent.InstanceGuidSt);
        string relativePath = (sn is Project) ? (sn as Project).ProjFile.ObjectRelativePath : sn.ObjectRelativePath;
        return new CWDev.SLNTools.Core.Project(_slnFile, sn.InstanceGuidSt, sn.TypeGuidSt, sn.Name, relativePath, parentGuid,
            projectSections, versionControlLines, projectConfigurationPlatformsLines);

    // this method creates ProjectSections(WebsiteProperties)
    private List<Section> CreateProjectSections(SolutionNode project)
        Section sec = null;
        var lines = new List<PropertyLine>();
        if (project is SolutionFolder)
            List<SolutionNode> files = project.GetAllSubItemsOf(typeof(SolutionFile));
            foreach (SolutionNode item in files)
                // * consideration required
                lines.Add(new PropertyLine(item.ObjectRelativePath, item.ObjectRelativePath));
            if (lines.Count > 0)
                sec = new Section("SolutionItems", "ProjectSection", "preProject", lines);
        // *** here is the code that I wrote to add website projects ***
        else if (project is WebSiteProject)
            var website = project as WebSiteProject;
            if (_sln.IsUnderSourceControl)
                    lines.AddRange(new PropertyLine[]
                        new PropertyLine("SccProjectName", "\"SAK\""),
                        new PropertyLine("SccAuxPath", "\"SAK\""),
                        new PropertyLine("SccLocalPath", "\"SAK\""),
                        new PropertyLine("SccProvider", "\"SAK\"")

            if (_sln.SolutionVersion == SolutionFileVersion.V11VS2010)
                lines.Add(new PropertyLine("TargetFrameworkMoniker", "\".NETFramework,Version%3Dv4.0\""));
                lines.Add(new PropertyLine("TargetFramework", "\"3.5\""));
            // add project references
            string projectReferences = "";
            foreach (Project proj in website.ReferencedProjects)
                projectReferences += proj.InstanceGuidSt + "|" + proj.ClassName + ".dll;";
            lines.Add(new PropertyLine("ProjectReferences", "\"" + projectReferences + "\""));

            string debugConf = "Debug.AspNetCompiler.";
            string releaseConf = "Release.AspNetCompiler.";
            string str = debugConf;
            int k = 0;
            while (k < 2)
                // other properties
                lines.AddRange(new PropertyLine[]
                    new PropertyLine(str + "VirtualPath", "\"/" + website.Name + "\""),
                    new PropertyLine(str + "PhysicalPath", "\"" + website.ObjectRelativePath + "\\\""),
                    new PropertyLine(str + "TargetPath", ("\"PrecompiledWeb\\" + website.Name + "\\\"")),
                    new PropertyLine(str + "Updateable", "\"true\""),
                    new PropertyLine(str + "ForceOverwrite", "\"true\""),
                    new PropertyLine(str + "FixedNames", "\"false\""),
                    new PropertyLine(str + "Debug", (k == 0 ? "\"True\"" : "\"False\""))

                if (k++ == 0)
                    str = releaseConf;
            Random rand = new Random();
            lines.Add(new PropertyLine("VWDPort", "\"" + rand.Next(1111, 65000).ToString() + "\""));
            lines.Add(new PropertyLine("DefaultWebSiteLanguage",
                website.Language == SeptaCodeGenerator.Core.Language.CodeLanguage.CSharp ? "\"Visual C#\"" : "\"Visual Basic\""));

            sec = new Section("WebsiteProperties", "ProjectSection", "preProject", lines);
        var sections = new List<Section>();
        if (sec != null)
        return sections;


关于c# - 如何以编程方式创建Visual Studio解决方案(.sln)文件,包括网站项目?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8742316/

10-10 09:05