我正在C ++中实现mySQL,但遇到了问题。我遇到了段错误。我不确定为什么。

seg错误似乎发生在MYSQL_ROW productList;行之后的某个地方,尽管我无法查明位置。

void Receiving::getProduct(const string productToReturn) {
MYSQL *connect, mysql;                  //Pointers to MySQL
connect = mysql_init(&mysql);           // Initialize the connections
int totalRows = 0;

connect = mysql_real_connect(connect,SERVER,USER,PASSWORD,DATABASE,0,NULL,0);  //Connect to database

if(connect) {                           //If connection successful
    string sqlQuery;                    //will hold query

    MYSQL_RES *resSetProduct;           //define product result set
    MYSQL_ROW productList;              //define row for product

    sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE item_id = \' "; //Create query with desired product id
    sqlQuery += productToReturn;
    sqlQuery += " \'";

    mysql_query(connect, sqlQuery.c_str());                                    // Send query to the database
    resSetProduct = mysql_store_result(connect);                               // Receive the result and store it in resSetProduct
    totalRows = mysql_num_rows(resSetProduct);                                 // count of stored rows

    if(totalRows == 0){                                                        //nothing found
        cout << "Sorry! No inventory found for that product!" << endl;
    else {
        cout << "Product Id     In Stock" << endl;

        while( (productList = mysql_fetch_row(resSetProduct)) != NULL ) {      //printout the products
            cout << productList[0] << "    " << productList[1] << endl;
else                                                                           //Failed to connect
    cerr << "Failed To Connect!";




如果mysql_query返回非零,则可以根据mysql文档检查错误代码,例如。此处:MySQL mysql_query


关于c++ - C++ Seg Fault中的MySQL,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45528703/

10-11 05:39