我有一个excel工作表,其第一列包含以下数据“什么是$ {v1}%of $ {v2} ??”,此工作表中的另外两列(v1和v2)包含{“ type”:“ int”,“ minimum “:15,” maximum“:58}和{” type“:” int“,” minimum“:30,” maximum“:100},这些是变量v1和v2的范围。我需要用给定范围内的随机值替换表达式中的v1和v2,然后使用JAVA将表达式存储在另一个电子表格中。如何使用JETT做到这一点?

例如:我应该存储“ 50的25%是多少?”


import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.POIFSFileSystem;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;

public class ACGS {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//test file is located in your project path
FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("C://users/user/Desktop/Content.xls");
//read file
POIFSFileSystem fs = new POIFSFileSystem(fileIn);
HSSFWorkbook filename = new HSSFWorkbook(fs);
//open sheet 0 which is first sheet of your worksheet
HSSFSheet sheet = filename.getSheetAt(0);

//we will search for column index containing string "Your Column Name" in the row 0 (which is first row of a worksheet
String columnWanted = "${v1}";
Integer columnNo = null;
//output all not null values to the list
List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<Cell>();
Row firstRow = sheet.getRow(0);

for(Cell cell:firstRow){
if (cell.getStringCellValue().contains(columnWanted)){
    columnNo = cell.getColumnIndex();
    System.out.println("cell contains "+cell.getStringCellValue());

if (columnNo != null){
 for (Row row : sheet) {
Cell c = row.getCell(columnNo);
if (c == null || c.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) {
  // Nothing in the cell in this row, skip it
} else {
}   else{
System.out.println("could not find column " + columnWanted + " in first row of " + fileIn.toString());



这就是您在JETT中的操作方式。 JETT不提供自己的随机数支持,但是与它的Apache Commons JEXL表达式支持以及Java自己的Random一起,您可以将期望的随机变量范围发布为JETT的bean,并且可以计算一个随机变量一个表情。


什么是$ {rnd.nextInt(v2Max-v2Min + 1)+ v2Min}的$ {rnd.nextInt(v1Max-v1Min + 1)+ v1Min}%?


Map<String, Object> beans = new HashMap<String, Object>();
beans.put("v1Min", 15);
beans.put("v1Max", 58);
beans.put("v2Min", 30);
beans.put("v2Max", 100);
beans.put("rnd", new Random());

接下来,创建调用JETT ExcelTransformer的代码。

   ExcelTransformer transformer = new ExcelTransformer();
   // template file name, destination file name, beans
   transformer.transform("Content.xls", "Populated.xls", beans);
catch (IOException e)
   System.err.println("IOException caught: " + e.getMessage());
catch (InvalidFormatException e)
   System.err.println("InvalidFormatException caught: " + e.getMessage());




09-05 19:41