

1>Flight.obj : error LNK2005: "void * eku::std_con_out" (?std_con_out@eku@@3PAXA) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Flight.obj : error LNK2005: "bool eku::colorprotect" (?colorprotect@eku@@3_NA) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Flight.obj : error LNK2005: "enum eku::concol eku::textcol" (?textcol@eku@@3W4concol@1@A) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Flight.obj : error LNK2005: "enum eku::concol eku::backcol" (?backcol@eku@@3W4concol@1@A) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Flight.obj : error LNK2005: "enum eku::concol eku::deftextcol" (?deftextcol@eku@@3W4concol@1@A) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Flight.obj : error LNK2005: "enum eku::concol eku::defbackcol" (?defbackcol@eku@@3W4concol@1@A) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Source.obj : error LNK2005: "void * eku::std_con_out" (?std_con_out@eku@@3PAXA) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Source.obj : error LNK2005: "bool eku::colorprotect" (?colorprotect@eku@@3_NA) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Source.obj : error LNK2005: "enum eku::concol eku::textcol" (?textcol@eku@@3W4concol@1@A) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Source.obj : error LNK2005: "enum eku::concol eku::backcol" (?backcol@eku@@3W4concol@1@A) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Source.obj : error LNK2005: "enum eku::concol eku::deftextcol" (?deftextcol@eku@@3W4concol@1@A) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>Source.obj : error LNK2005: "enum eku::concol eku::defbackcol" (?defbackcol@eku@@3W4concol@1@A) already defined in BoardingPass.obj1>D:\School Stuff\Fall 2015\CIST 2362 C++ II\Final - Airline Reservation System\Debug\Final - Airline Reservation System.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply defined symbols found


#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "FlightComparators.h" //includes Flight.h
#include "LocationComparators.h"



#ifndef FLIGHT_H
#define FLIGHT_H

#include "BoardingPass.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Location.h"
#include "Validate.h"
#include "AirlineTypeA.h"
#include "AirlineTypeB.h"

class BoardingPass;

class Flight{
    Location *departureLoc;
    Location *destinationLoc;
    char departureTime[6];
    char arrivalTime[6];
    int number;
    int freqFlyerMiles;
    int curOccupancy = 0;
    Airline *plane;
    vector<BoardingPass*> passengers;

    Flight(Location*, Location*, string, string, int, int, char type);

    Location* getDepartureLoc(){ return departureLoc; }
    Location* getDestinationLoc(){ return destinationLoc; }
    int getFlightNumber(){ return number; }
    int getFreqFlyerMiles(){ return freqFlyerMiles; }
    string getDepTime(){ return departureTime; }
    string getAriTime(){ return arrivalTime; }
    int getCurOccupancy(){ return curOccupancy; }
    Airline* getPlane(){ return plane; }
    vector<BoardingPass*> getPassengerList(){ return passengers; }
    bool getIsFull(){ return this->plane->getMaxPass() > curOccupancy; }

    void addPass(string, string, string);
    void cancelReservation(int);
    void displayPassengers();
    void sortPassengers();



#ifndef FLIGHT_H
#include "Flight.h"

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Flight;

class BoardingPass{

    string fName;
    string lName;
    Flight* flight;
    string seat;

    BoardingPass(string, string, Flight *flt, string seat);

    string getFName(){ return fName; }
    string getLName(){ return lName; }
    string getSeat(){ return seat; }
    void displayBoardingPass();
    void writeBoardingPass(fstream&);




/*Header file to color text and background in windows console applications
Global variables - textcol,backcol,deftextcol,defbackcol,colorprotect*/


namespace eku

#ifndef CONCOL
#define CONCOL
    enum concol
        black = 0,
        dark_blue = 1,
        dark_green = 2,
        dark_aqua, dark_cyan = 3,
        dark_red = 4,
        dark_purple = 5, dark_pink = 5, dark_magenta = 5,
        dark_yellow = 6,
        dark_white = 7,
        gray = 8,
        blue = 9,
        green = 10,
        aqua = 11, cyan = 11,
        red = 12,
        purple = 13, pink = 13, magenta = 13,
        yellow = 14,
        white = 15
#endif //CONCOL

    HANDLE std_con_out;
    //Standard Output Handle
    bool colorprotect = false;
    //If colorprotect is true, background and text colors will never be the same
    concol textcol, backcol, deftextcol, defbackcol;
    /*textcol - current text color
    backcol - current back color
    deftextcol - original text color
    defbackcol - original back color*/

    inline void update_colors()
        GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(std_con_out, &csbi);
        textcol = concol(csbi.wAttributes & 15);
        backcol = concol((csbi.wAttributes & 0xf0) >> 4);

    inline void setcolor(concol textcolor, concol backcolor)
        if (colorprotect && textcolor == backcolor)return;
        textcol = textcolor; backcol = backcolor;
        unsigned short wAttributes = ((unsigned int)backcol << 4) | (unsigned int)textcol;
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(std_con_out, wAttributes);

    inline void settextcolor(concol textcolor)
        if (colorprotect && textcolor == backcol)return;
        textcol = textcolor;
        unsigned short wAttributes = ((unsigned int)backcol << 4) | (unsigned int)textcol;
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(std_con_out, wAttributes);

    inline void setbackcolor(concol backcolor)
        if (colorprotect && textcol == backcolor)return;
        backcol = backcolor;
        unsigned short wAttributes = ((unsigned int)backcol << 4) | (unsigned int)textcol;
        SetConsoleTextAttribute(std_con_out, wAttributes);

    inline void concolinit()
        std_con_out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
        deftextcol = textcol; defbackcol = backcol;

    template<class elem, class traits>
    inline std::basic_ostream<elem, traits>& operator<<(std::basic_ostream<elem, traits>& os, concol col)
        os.flush(); settextcolor(col); return os;

    template<class elem, class traits>
    inline std::basic_istream<elem, traits>& operator>>(std::basic_istream<elem, traits>& is, concol col)
        std::basic_ostream<elem, traits>* p = is.tie();
        if (p != NULL)p->flush();
        return is;

}   //end of namespace eku




extern HANDLE std_con_out;


09-04 18:17