
CSV structure:

column names increment from f0,f1 to f1800000
each row has 1.8 million enteries with value of either 0 or 1.

 f0,f1,f2    .........    ,f1800000

 0,0,1       .........    ,0
 1,0,1       .........    ,1




import pandas as pd
NCOLS = 1.8e6  # The exact number of columns

batch_size = 50
from_file = 'my_large_file.csv'
to_file = 'my_large_file_transposed.csv'
for batch in range(NCOLS//batch_size + bool(NCOLS%batch_size)):
    lcol = batch * batch_size
    rcol = min(NCOLS, lcol+batch_size)
    data = pd.read_csv(from_file, usecols=range(lcol, rcol))
    with open(to_file, 'a') as _f:
        data.T.to_csv(_f, header=False)

08-27 08:45