void sd_card_write_block(uint16 blockNumber, uint8* buffer)
uint16 blockLow = 0;
uint16 blockHigh = 0;
uint8 dummy = 0;
uint8 result = 0;
uint8 data_block_start_byte = 0;
uint8 write_command[SD_CMD_SIZE] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
uint8 dummy_buffer[DUMMY_BUFFER_LENGTH] = {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
uint8 i = 0;
uint8 check_response[CHECK_RESPONSE_SIZE] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
uint8 check_response1[CHECK_RESPONSE_SIZE] = {0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
uint8 r1 = 0;
uint16 retry = 0;
uint8 response1 = 0;
dummy = 0xFF;
//initialize the dummy buffer to keep MOSI pin High
for(i = 0; i < DUMMY_BUFFER_LENGTH; i++)
dummy_buffer[i] = 0xFF;
//set CS pin low
spi_select_slave( &spi_master_instance, &slave, true);
//send three clock cycles with MOSI HIGH (Ncs)
spi_write_buffer_wait( &spi_master_instance, dummy_buffer, NCS_LENGTH);
//block size was set in sd_init
blockLow = ((blockNumber & 0x003F) << 9);
blockHigh = ((blockNumber & 0xFFC0) >> 7);
//send SD CMD24(WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK) to write the data to SD card
write_command[0] = 0x58;
//high block address bits, blockHigh HIGH and LOW
write_command[1] = (blockHigh >> 0x08);
write_command[2] = (blockHigh & 0xFF);
//low block address bits, blockLow HIGH and LOW
write_command[3] = (blockLow >> 0x08);
write_command[4] = (blockLow & 0xFF);
//checksum is no longer required but send 0xFF
write_command[5] = 0xFF;
spi_write_buffer_wait( &spi_master_instance, write_command, SD_CMD_SIZE);
spi_transceive_buffer_wait( &spi_master_instance, dummy_buffer, check_response, CHECK_RESPONSE_SIZE);
//send three clock cycles with MOSI High
spi_write_buffer_wait( &spi_master_instance, dummy_buffer, DUMMY_BUFFER_LENGTH);
//set bit 0 to 0 which indicates the beginning of the data block
data_block_start_byte = DATA_BLOCK_START_TOKEN;
spi_transceive_buffer_wait( &spi_master_instance, &data_block_start_byte, &result, SD_RESPONSE_SIZE);
/*takes so long because its similar to transreceivea and it discards the rx*/
spi_write_buffer_wait( &spi_master_instance, buffer, SD_BLOCK_LENGTH);
//read the microSD card response
spi_transceive_buffer_wait( &spi_master_instance, dummy_buffer, check_response1, CHECK_RESPONSE_SIZE);
// write dummy byte
spi_transceive_buffer_wait( &spi_master_instance, &dummy, &response1, SD_RESPONSE_SIZE);
r1 = response1;
// do retry counter
if(retry > MAX_TIMEOUT)
spi_select_slave( &spi_master_instance, &slave, false);
//set the CS High
spi_select_slave( &spi_master_instance, &slave, false);