#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int d;
int m;
int y;
string weekday(int d, int m, int y){
int LeapYears = (int) y/ 4;
long a = (y - LeapYears)*365 + LeapYears * 366;
if(m >= 2) a += 31;
if(m >= 3 && (int)y/4 == y/4) a += 29;
else if(m >= 3) a += 28;
if(m >= 4) a += 31;
if(m >= 5) a += 30;
if(m >= 6) a += 31;
if(m >= 7) a += 30;
if(m >= 8) a += 31;
if(m >= 9) a += 31;
if(m >= 10) a += 30;
if(m >= 11) a += 31;
if(m == 12) a += 30;
a += d;
int b = (a - 2) % 7;
switch (b){
case 1:
return "Monday";
case 2:
return "Tuesday";
case 3:
return "Wednesday";
case 4:
return "Thursday";
case 5:
return "Friday";
case 6:
return "Saturday";
case 7:
return "Sunday";
int main(){
cin >> d >> m >> y;
cout << weekday(d, m, y);
首先:如果已经存在可以处理相同问题的标准化函数,请不要编写自己的函数。 要点是,您可能很容易犯一个错误(现在,您已经可以在weekday()
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::tm time_in = { 0, 0, 0, // second, minute, hour
9, 10, 2016 - 1900 }; // 1-based day, 0-based month, year since 1900
std::time_t time_temp = std::mktime(&time_in);
//Note: Return value of localtime is not threadsafe, because it might be
// (and will be) reused in subsequent calls to std::localtime!
const std::tm * time_out = std::localtime(&time_temp);
//Sunday == 0, Monday == 1, and so on ...
std::cout << "Today is this day of the week: " << time_out->tm_wday << "\n";
std::cout << "(Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, and so on...)\n";
return 0;