我为“ App”和“ AgeGroup”有两个单独的域模型类。 App类几乎不包含基本的整数和字符串属性,AgeGroup类也是如此。



"Looped List of Age Groups, order by GroupOrder"
      "Looped List of Apps, order by App Order"

 First Age Group
    Foo App Name
        Foo App Icon
        Foo App Store URL
    Bar App Name
        Bar App Icon
        Bar App Store URL
 Second Age Group
    Tur App Name
        Tur App Icon
        Tur App Store URL
    Puk App Name
        Puk App Icon
        Puk App Store URL
  and so on...


这是我的“ App.cs”类中的内容

public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string StoreURL { get; set; }
public int AppOrder { get; set; }
public string AppIcon { get; set; }

public AgeGroup AgeGroup { get; set; }    // Linked to AgeGroup Class
public int AgeGroupId { get; set; }

在“ AgeGroup.cs”类中,我有以下内容

public int Id { get; set; }
public int GroupOrder { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }



    public IHttpActionResult AppsByGroup ()
        var apps = _context.Apps
            .OrderBy(a => a.AppOrder)
            .Select(a => new
                AgeGroup = a.AgeGroup.Name
            }).GroupBy(a => a.AgeGroup);

       return Json(apps);

它给我正确的输出,但没有AgeGroup Names。

  [ // Here I wanted the AgeGroup Name from the AgeGroup Table (Group A)
        "Name": "First App for Group A",
        "StoreURL": "some string",
        "AppIcon": "icon string",
        "AgeGroup": "Group A"
        "Name": "2nd App Group A",
        "StoreURL": "aslfdj",
        "AppIcon": "asljf",
        "AgeGroup": "Group A"
        "Name": "3rd App Group A",
        "StoreURL": "aslfdj",
        "AppIcon": "alsfdj",
        "AgeGroup": "Group A"
  [ // Here I wanted the AgeGroup Name from the AgeGroup Table (Group B)
        "Name": "1st App GroupB",
        "StoreURL": "alsfdj",
        "AppIcon": "alsdjf",
        "AgeGroup": "Group B"

//and so on...



public class AgeGroupVM
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<AppVM> Apps { get; set; }
public class AppVM
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string StoreURL { get; set; }
    public string AppIcon { get; set; }


var data = _context.Apps
    .OrderBy(x => x.AgeGroup.GroupOrder) // order by AgeGroup first
    .ThenBy(x => x.AppOrder) // then by the AppOrder
    .GroupBy(x => x.AgeGroup.Name) // group by the AgeGroup
    .Select(x => new AgeGroupVM // project into the view model
        Name = x.Key,
        Apps = x.Select(y => new AppVM
            Name = y.Name,
            StoreURL = y.StoreURL,
            AppIcon = y.AppIcon
return Json(data);

10-06 11:40