我正在使用这段代码将“东部时区”转换为“ EST”。现在显示“ EDT”。您看不到经常在某些地方使用的缩写,并且希望坚持使用“ EST”。我该如何使用NodaTime?

 public static string GetTimeZoneAbbr(string timeZone)

            var timeZoneInfo = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(timeZone);

            if (timeZoneInfo != null)
                var dateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                var instant = Instant.FromDateTimeUtc(dateTime);
                var tzdbSource = TzdbDateTimeZoneSource.Default;
                var tzid = tzdbSource.MapTimeZoneId(timeZoneInfo);
                var dateTimeZone = DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb[tzid];
                var zoneInterval = dateTimeZone.GetZoneInterval(instant);
                return zoneInterval.Name;

            return string.Empty;



下面的答案描述了如何解析和使用CLDR数据。很好,但是通过将它们全部包含在库中,我变得更加容易。请参见this StackOverflow answerread my blog post,并查看the TimeZoneNames library。使用此库比自己解析CLDR数据容易得多。

// You can pass either type of time zone identifier:
var tz = "America/New_York";       // IANA
var tz = "Eastern Standard Time";  // Windows

// You can get names or abbreviations for any language or locale
var names = TZNames.GetNamesForTimeZone(tz, "en-US");
var abbreviations = TZNames.GetAbbreviationsForTimeZone(tz, "en-US");

names.Generic == "Eastern Time"
names.Standard == "Eastern Standard Time"
names.Daylight == "Eastern Daylight Time"

abbreviations.Generic == "ET"
abbreviations.Standard == "EST"
abbreviations.Daylight == "EDT"



以另一种方式重申您的问题,您希望以Microsoft Windows时区ID开头,并以人类可读的字符串结尾,该字符串代表整个时区,而不仅仅是有效的时区段。

您可以给他们TimeZoneInfo.DisplayName,但这并不总是合适的。对于美国,您可能会获得一个显示名称"(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada),并且可以去除前导偏移量和括号以仅返回"Eastern Time (US & Canada)"。但这并不能在所有时区都起作用,因为许多时区仅具有列出城市的显示名称,例如"(UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan"

更好的方法是使用Unicode CLDR Project中的数据。 Noda Time拥有一部分数据,但不是解决此特定问题所需的一切。因此,我无法为您提供使用Noda Time的代码示例。但是,您可以对原始CLDR数据使用以下步骤来实现您的目标:

查找与Windows时区相对应的IANA时区ID,例如您在上面的代码中已经完成的操作,或者直接使用CLDR Windows time zone mappings
CLDR MetaZones file中查找IANA时区。
在CLDR转换data filescharts such as this one之一中查找MetaZone。使用"generic-long""generic-short"模式以及您选择的语言,例如"en"用于英语。

因此,就您而言,从Windows TimeZoneInfo.Id"Eastern Standard Time"开始:

IANA区域= "America/New_York"
CLDR MetaZone = "America_Eastern"
generic-long [en] = "Eastern Time"

generic-short [en] = "ET"


这是一些C#代码,该代码显示如何遍历CLDR的XML数据以获得TimeZoneInfo对象的通用长名称。假定您可以在指定的路径上访问CLDR数据。下载the latest core.zip并解压缩,然后将basePath指向该文件夹。

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using System.Xml.XPath;

static Dictionary<TimeZoneInfo, string> GetCldrGenericLongNames(string basePath, string language)
    // Set some file paths
    string winZonePath = basePath + @"\common\supplemental\windowsZones.xml";
    string metaZonePath = basePath + @"\common\supplemental\metaZones.xml";
    string langDataPath = basePath + @"\common\main\" + language + ".xml";

    // Make sure the files exist
    if (!File.Exists(winZonePath) || !File.Exists(metaZonePath) || !File.Exists(langDataPath))
        throw new FileNotFoundException("Could not find CLDR files with language '" + language + "'.");

    // Load the data files
    var xmlWinZones = XDocument.Load(winZonePath);
    var xmlMetaZones = XDocument.Load(metaZonePath);
    var xmlLangData = XDocument.Load(langDataPath);

    // Prepare the results dictionary
    var results = new Dictionary<TimeZoneInfo, string>();

    // Loop for each Windows time zone
    foreach (var timeZoneInfo in TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones())
        // Get the IANA zone from the Windows zone
        string pathToMapZone = "/supplementalData/windowsZones/mapTimezones/mapZone" +
                               "[@territory='001' and @other='" + timeZoneInfo.Id + "']";
        var mapZoneNode = xmlWinZones.XPathSelectElement(pathToMapZone);
        if (mapZoneNode == null) continue;
        string primaryIanaZone = mapZoneNode.Attribute("type").Value;

        // Get the MetaZone from the IANA zone
        string pathToMetaZone = "/supplementalData/metaZones/metazoneInfo/timezone[@type='" + primaryIanaZone +  "']/usesMetazone";
        var metaZoneNode = xmlMetaZones.XPathSelectElements(pathToMetaZone).LastOrDefault();
        if (metaZoneNode == null) continue;
        string metaZone = metaZoneNode.Attribute("mzone").Value;

        // Get the generic name for the MetaZone
        string pathToNames = "/ldml/dates/timeZoneNames/metazone[@type='" + metaZone + "']/long";
        var nameNodes = xmlLangData.XPathSelectElement(pathToNames);
        var genericNameNode = nameNodes.Element("generic");
        var standardNameNode = nameNodes.Element("standard");
        string name = genericNameNode != null
            ? genericNameNode.Value
            : standardNameNode != null
                ? standardNameNode.Value
                : null;

        // If we have valid results, add to the dictionary
        if (name != null)
            results.Add(timeZoneInfo, name);

    return results;


// load the data once an cache it in a static variable
const string basePath = @"C:\path\to\extracted\cldr\core";
private static readonly Dictionary<TimeZoneInfo, string> timeZoneNames =
    GetCldrGenericLongNames(basePath, "en");

// then later access it like this
string tzname = timeZoneNames[yourTimeZoneInfoObject];

关于c# - TimeZone转换显示EDT而不是EST,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22890184/

10-10 18:17