
#Building a dataframe grouped by the # of Engagement Types
sales_type = sales.groupby('# of Engagement Types').sum()

#Calculating the % of people who bought the course by # engagement types
sales_type['% Sales per Participants'] =  round(100*(sales_type['Sales'] / sales_type['Had an Engagement']), 2)

#Calculating the # of people who didn't have any engagements
sales_type.set_value(index=0, col='Had an Engagement', value=sales[sales['Had an Engagement']==0].count()['Sales'])

#Calculating the % of sales for those who didn't have any engagements
sales_type.set_value(index=0, col='% Sales per Participants',
                     value=round(100 * (sales_type.ix[0, 'Sales'] /
                                        sales[sales['Had an Engagement']==0].count()['Sales']),2))

#Setting the graph image
fig, (ax1) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(12,4))

# Ploting the histagram for the % of total prospects
ax1 = sns.barplot(x=sales_type.index,y='% Sales per Participants', data=sales_type ,ax=ax1)
ax1.set(ylabel = '%')
ax1.set_title('% Sales per Participants By # of Engagement Types')

#present the table
sales_type.xs(['Had an Engagement', 'Sales','% Sales per Participants'],axis=1).transpose()

我将相同的代码概念用于没有问题的其他参数。但是,对于一个参数,我得到一个错误:行代码为“ValueError:“不是一维的” Grouper”:
ax1 = sns.barplot(x=sales_type.index,y='% Sales per Participants', data=sales_type ,ax=ax1)


                       Sales  Pre-Ordered / Ordered Book  \
# of Engagement Types
0                        1.0                         0.0
1                       20.0                       496.0
2                       51.0                       434.0
3                       82.0                       248.0
4                       71.0                       153.0
5                       49.0                        97.0
6                        5.0                        24.0

                       Opted In For / Clicked to Kindle  Viewed PLC  \
# of Engagement Types
0                                                   0.0           0
1                                               27034.0        5920
2                                                6953.0        6022
3                                                1990.0        1958
4                                                 714.0         746
5                                                 196.0         204
6                                                  24.0          24

                       # of PLC Engagement  Viewed Webinar  \
# of Engagement Types
0                                      0.0               0
1                                   6434.0            1484
2                                   7469.0            1521
3                                   2940.0            1450
4                                   1381.0             724
5                                    463.0             198
6                                     54.0              24

                       # of Webinars (Live/Replay)  \
# of Engagement Types
0                                              0.0
1                                           1613.0
2                                           1730.0
3                                           1768.0
4                                           1018.0
5                                            355.0
6                                             45.0

                       OCCC Facebook Group Member  Engaged in Cart-Open  \
# of Engagement Types
0                                             0.0                     0
1                                           148.0                   160
2                                           498.0                  1206
3                                           443.0                   967
4                                           356.0                   511
5                                           168.0                   177
6                                            24.0                    24

                       # of Engagement at Cart Open  Had an Engagement  \
# of Engagement Types
0                                               0.0               3387
1                                             189.0              35242
2                                            1398.0               8317
3                                            1192.0               2352
4                                             735.0                801
5                                             269.0                208
6                                              40.0                 24

                       Total # of Engagements  % Sales per Participants
# of Engagement Types
0                                         0.0                      0.03
1                                     35914.0                      0.06
2                                     18482.0                      0.61
3                                      8581.0                      3.49
4                                      4357.0                      8.86
5                                      1548.0                     23.56
6                                       211.0                     20.83

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-211-f0185fe64c1a> in <module>()
     12 sns.set_style("whitegrid")
     13 # Ploting the histagram for the % of total prospects
---> 14 ax1 = sns.barplot(x=sales_type.index,y='% Sales per Participants', data=sales_type ,ax=ax1)
     15 ax1.set(ylabel = '%')
     16 ax1.set_title('% Sales per Participants By # of Engagement Types')

ValueError: Grouper for '<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>' not 1-dimensional

我尝试在Internet和Stack Overflow上搜索此错误,但没有结果。有人知道发生了什么吗?



df = pd.DataFrame({"foo": [1,2,3], "bar": [1,2,3]})
df.rename(columns={'foo': 'bar'}, inplace=True)

   bar  bar
0    1    1
1    2    2
2    3    3


ValueError: Grouper for 'bar' not 1-dimensional
就像许多神秘的 Pandas 错误一样,该错误也源于具有相同名称的两列。
df.columns = ['foo', 'bar']

   foo  bar
0    1    1
1    2    2
2    3    3

<pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x1066dd950>

关于python - ValueError : Grouper for <something> not 1-dimensional,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43298192/

10-11 22:32