



  1. 目前没有后端,那就先自己模拟下后端传输数据;准备一个json文件,里面存放的就是数据!类似下图这样!
  2. 引入之前封装好的ajax和cookie的js文件,也可引入jQuery,但jQuery没有提供cookie的方法,只有插件,网上下一个即可!
     1 function ajax(options){
     2     var {type,url,success,data,error,timeout}=options;
     3     data=data||{};
     4     type=type||"get";
     5     timeout=timeout||2000;
     6     var str="";
     7     for(var i in data){
     8         str+=`${i}=${data[i]}&`;
     9     }
    10     if(type=="get"){
    11         var d=new Date();
    12         url=url+"?"+str+"_yjyt="+d.getTime();
    13     }
    14     var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();
    15     xhr.open(type,url);
    16     // console.log(url);
    17     xhr.onreadystatechange=function(){
    18         if(xhr.readyState==4&&xhr.status==200){
    19             success&&success(xhr.responseText);
    20             error=null;
    21         }else if(xhr.readyState==4&&xhr.status!=200){
    22             error&&error(xhr.status);
    23             success=null;
    24             error=null;
    25         }
    26     }
    27     setTimeout(()=>{
    28         error&&error(timeout);;
    29         success=null;
    30     },timeout);
    31     if(type=="post"){
    32         xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
    33         xhr.send(str);
    34     }else{
    35         xhr.send();
    36     }
    37 }


     1 function setCookie(key, val, options) {
     2     // console.log(options.expires);
     3     options = options || {};
     4     var path = "";
     5     if (options.path) {
     6         path = ";path=" + options.path;
     7     }
     8     var expires = "";
     9     if (options.expires) {
    10         var d = new Date();
    11         d.setDate(d.getDate() + options.expires);
    12         expires = ";expires=" + d;
    13         console.log(expires);
    14     }
    15     document.cookie = key + "=" + val + path + expires;
    16 }
    17 function getCookie(key) {
    18     // var arr=document.cookie;
    19     // console.log(arr);
    20     var arr = document.cookie.split(";");
    21     console.log(arr);
    22     for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
    23         if (arr[i].split("=")[0] === key) {
    24             return arr[i].split("=")[1];
    25         }
    26     }
    27     return "";
    28 }
    29 function removeCookie(key, options) {
    30     options = options || {};
    31     options.expires = -1;
    32     // console.log(options);
    33     // console.log(key);
    34     setCookie(key, 23, options);
    35 }
  3. 接下来就是布局,简单点来,感受下就好,不好看可以自己后期通过css改,这都是写小问题哈,我只说关键的地方!布局简陋,可以自行发挥哦!
    1     <h2>这是商品列表<a href="car-local.html">去结算</a></h2>
    2     <div class="cont">
    3         <p>不好意思,卖完了!</p>
    4     </div>


     1     <h2>这是结算页<a href="shop.html">继续购物</a></h2>
     2     <table border="1" rules="all" width="900" align="center">
     3         <thead>
     4             <tr>
     5                 <th>图片</th>
     6                 <th>名字</th>
     7                 <th>价格</th>
     8                 <th>数量</th>
     9                 <th>操作</th>
    10             </tr>
    11         </thead>
    12         <tbody></tbody>
    13     </table>
  4. 下面就到我们最关键得到部分了,我们先要获取到用户点击了那个商品的假如购物车,然后要获取数量,再保存进cookie里,然后拿到cookie中的数据渲染购物车的页面,这么一说感觉很简单是吧,来,上代码感受下!
     1 <script src="js/ajax.js"></script>
     2 <script src="js/cookie.js"></script>
     3 <script>
     4     class Shop {
     5         constructor() {
     6             this.url = "http://localhost/test/shopping/data/goods.json";
     7             this.cont = document.querySelector(".cont");
     8             this.init();
     9             this.addEvent();
    10         }
    11         init() {
    12             ajax({
    13                 url: this.url,
    14                 success: res => {
    15                     this.res = JSON.parse(res);
    16                     this.display()
    17                 }
    18             })
    19         }
    20         display() {
    21             var str = "";
    22             for (var i = 0; i < this.res.length; i++) {
    23                 str += `<div class="box" index="${this.res[i].goodsId}">
    24                             <img src="${this.res[i].img}" alt="">
    25                             <p>${this.res[i].name}</p>
    26                             <span>${this.res[i].price}</span>
    27                             <input type="button" value="加入购物车">
    28                         </div>`;
    29             }
    30             this.cont.innerHTML = str;
    31         }
    32         addEvent() {
    33             var that = this;
    34             this.cont.addEventListener("click", function (eve) {
    35                 var e = eve || window.event;
    36                 var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
    37                 if (target.type === "button") {
    38                     that.id = target.parentNode.getAttribute("index");
    39                     that.setcookie();
    40                 }
    41             });
    42         }
    43         setcookie() {
    44             this.goods = getCookie("goods") ? JSON.parse(getCookie("goods")) : [];
    45             if (this.goods.length < 1) {
    46                 this.goods.push({
    47                     id: this.id,
    48                     num: 1
    49                 });
    50             } else {
    51                 var onoff = 1;
    52                 for (var i = 0; i < this.goods.length; i++) {
    53                     if (this.goods[i].id == this.id) {
    54                         this.goods[i].num++;
    55                         onoff = 0;
    56                     }
    57                 }
    58                 if (onoff == 1) {
    59                     this.goods.push({
    60                         id: this.id,
    61                         num: 1
    62                     })
    63                 }
    64             }
    65             setCookie("goods", JSON.stringify(this.goods));
    66         }
    67     }
    68     new Shop;
    69 </script>
     1 <script src="js/ajax.js"></script>
     2 <script src="js/cookie.js"></script>
     3 <script>
     4     class Car {
     5         constructor() {
     6             // 数据
     7             this.url = "http://localhost/test/shopping/data/goods.json";
     8             this.tbody = document.querySelector("tbody");
     9             this.init();
    10             // 绑定事件
    11             this.addEvent();
    12         }
    13         addEvent() {
    14             var that = this;
    15             // 事件委托
    16             this.tbody.addEventListener("click", function (eve) {
    17                 var e = eve || window.event;
    18                 var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
    19                 if (target.tagName === "SPAN") {
    20                     that.id = target.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("index");
    21                     target.parentNode.parentNode.remove();
    22                     that.removecookie();
    23                 }
    24             });
    25             this.tbody.addEventListener("input", function (eve) {
    26                 var e = eve || window.event;
    27                 var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
    28                 if (target.type === "number") {
    29                     // console.log(target.value);
    30                     that.id = target.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("index");
    31                     that.val = target.value;
    32                     that.updatecookie();
    33                 }
    34             })
    35         }
    36         updatecookie() {
    37             var i = 0;
    38             var onoff = this.goods.some((val, index) => {
    39                 i = index;
    40                 return val.id == this.id;
    41             });
    42             if (onoff) {
    43                 this.goods[i].num = this.val;
    44             }
    45             setCookie("goods", JSON.stringify(this.goods));
    46         }
    47         removecookie() {
    48             var i = 0;
    49             var onoff = this.goods.some((val, index) => {
    50                 i = index;
    51                 return val.id == this.id;
    52             });
    53             if (onoff) {
    54                 this.goods.splice(i, 1);
    55             }
    56             setCookie("goods", JSON.stringify(this.goods));
    57         }
    58         init() {
    59             var that = this;
    60             ajax({
    61                 url: this.url,
    62                 success: function (res) {
    63                     that.res = JSON.parse(res);
    64                     // console.log(that.res);
    65                     that.getcookie();
    66                 }
    67             })
    68         }
    69         getcookie() {
    70             this.goods = getCookie("goods") ? JSON.parse(getCookie("goods")) : [];
    71             // console.log(this.goods);
    72             this.display();
    73         }
    74         // 渲染页面
    75         display() {
    76             var str = "";
    77             for (var i = 0; i < this.res.length; i++) {
    78                 for (var j = 0; j < this.goods.length; j++) {
    79                     if (this.res[i].goodsId == this.goods[j].id) {
    80                         str += `<tr index="${this.goods[j].id}">
    81                                     <td><img src="${this.res[i].img}"></td>
    82                                     <td>${this.res[i].name}</td>
    83                                     <td>${this.res[i].price}</td>
    84                                     <td><input type="number" value="${this.goods[j].num}" min=1 /></td>
    85                                     <td><span>删除</span></td>
    86                                 </tr>`;
    87                     }
    88                 }
    89             }
    90             this.tbody.innerHTML = str;
    91         }
    92     }
    94     new Car;
    95 </script>



 1     class shop {
 2         constructor() {
 3             this.cont = document.querySelector(".cont");
 4             this.url = "http://localhost/test/shopping/data/goods.json";
 5             this.init();
 6             this.addEvent();
 7         }
 8         init() {
 9             ajax({
10                 url: this.url,
11                 success: (res) => {
12                     this.res = JSON.parse(res);
13                     this.display();
14                 }
15             })
16         }
17         display() {
18             var str = "";
19             for (var i = 0; i < this.res.length; i++) {
20                 str += `<div class="box" index="${this.res[i].goodsId}">
21                             <img src="${this.res[i].img}" alt="">
22                             <p>${this.res[i].name}</p>
23                             <span>${this.res[i].price}</span>
24                             <input type="button" value="加入购物车">
25                         </div>`;
26             }
27             this.cont.innerHTML = str;
28         }
29         addEvent() {
30             var that = this;
31             this.cont.addEventListener("click", function (eve) {
32                 var e = eve || window.event;
33                 var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
34                 if (target.type === "button") {
35                     that.id = target.parentNode.getAttribute("index");
36                     that.setStorage();
37                 }
38             })
39         }
40         setStorage() {
41             this.goods = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("goods")) || [];
42             // console.log(this.goods.length);
43             // console.log(this.goods);
44             if (this.goods.length < 1) {
45                 this.goods.push({
46                     id: this.id,
47                     num: 1
48                 });
49             } else {
50                 var onoff = 1;
51                 for (var i = 0; i < this.goods.length; i++) {
52                     if (this.id == this.goods[i].id) {
53                         // console.log(this.arr[i])
54                        this.goods[i].num++;
55                        onoff=0;
56                     }
57                     if (onoff) {
58                         this.goods.push({
59                             id: this.id,
60                             num: 1
61                         });
62                     }
63                 }
64             }
65             localStorage.setItem("goods", JSON.stringify(this.goods));
66             // console.log(this.goods.length);
67             // this.goods=localStorage.getItem("id");
68             // console.log(this.goods);
69         }
70     }
71     new shop;


 1     class Car {
 2         constructor() {
 3             this.tbody = document.querySelector("tbody");
 4             this.url = "http://localhost/test/shopping/data/goods.json";
 5             this.goods = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("goods"));
 6             // console.log(this.goods);
 7             this.init();
 8             this.addEvent();
 9         }
10         addEvent() {
11             var that = this;
12             this.tbody.addEventListener("click", function (eve) {
13                 var e = eve || window.event;
14                 var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
15                 if (target.tagName === "SPAN") {
16                     that.id = target.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("index");
17                     // console.log(that.id);
18                     target.parentNode.parentNode.remove();
19                     that.removeLocal();
20                 }
21             });
22             this.tbody.addEventListener("input",function(eve){
23                 var e=eve||window.event;
24                 var target=e.target||e.srcElement;
25                 if(target.type==="number"){
26                     that.id = target.parentNode.parentNode.getAttribute("index");
27                     // console.log(that.id);
28                     that.val=target.value;
29                     that.updateLocal();
30                 }
31             })
32         }
33         updateLocal(){
34             var i=0;
35             var onoff=this.goods.some((val,index)=>{
36                 i=index;
37                 return val.id=this.id;
38             });
39             if(onoff){
40                 this.goods[i].num=this.val;
41             }
42             localStorage.setItem("goods",JSON.stringify(this.goods));
43         }
44         removeLocal() {
45             var i=0;
46             var onoff=this.goods.some((val,index)=>{
47                 i=index;
48                 return val.id=this.id;
49             });
50             if(onoff){
51                 this.goods.splice(i,1);
52             }
53             localStorage.setItem("goods",JSON.stringify(this.goods));
54         }
55         init() {
56             ajax({
57                 url: this.url,
58                 success: (res) => {
59                     this.res = JSON.parse(res);
60                     // console.log(this.res);
61                     this.display();
62                 }
63             });
64         }
65         display() {
66             var str = "";
67             for (var i = 0; i < this.res.length; i++) {
68                 for (var j = 0; j < this.goods.length; j++) {
69                     if (this.res[i].goodsId === this.goods[j].id) {
70                         // console.log(1);
71                         str += `<tr index="${this.goods[j].id}">
72                                     <td><img src="${this.res[i].img}"></td>
73                                     <td>${this.res[i].name}</td>
74                                     <td>${this.res[i].price}</td>
75                                     <td><input type="number" value="${this.goods[j].num}" min=1 /></td>
76                                     <td><span>删除</span></td>
77                                 </tr>`;
79                     }
80                 }
81             }
82             this.tbody.innerHTML = str;
83         }
84     }
85     new Car;



02-11 02:11