
A*x**2 + C*y**2 + D*x + E*y + B*x*y + F + G*z**2 = 0


如何在matplotlib中将该方程绘制为3D图? (最好使用线框。)



from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
%matplotlib notebook
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def f(x, y):
    return ((A*x**2 + C*y**2 + D*x + E*y + B*x*y + F))

def f(z):
    return G*z**2

x = np.linspace(-2200, 1850, 30)
y = np.linspace(-100, 60, 30)
z = np.linspace(-100, 60, 30)

X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(x, y, z)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, rstride=10, cstride=10)


ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-95b1296ae6a4> in <module>()
     18 fig = plt.figure()
     19 ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
---> 20 ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, rstride=10, cstride=10)
     21 ax.set_xlabel('x')
     22 ax.set_ylabel('y')

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Shared\Anaconda3_64\lib\site-packages\mpl_toolkits\mplot3d\axes3d.py in plot_wireframe(self, X, Y, Z, *args, **kwargs)
   1847         had_data = self.has_data()
   1848         if Z.ndim != 2:
-> 1849             raise ValueError("Argument Z must be 2-dimensional.")
   1850         # FIXME: Support masked arrays
   1851         X, Y, Z = np.broadcast_arrays(X, Y, Z)

ValueError: Argument Z must be 2-dimensional.



A*x**2 + C*y**2 + D*x + E*y + B*x*y = - G*z**2 - F,

这意味着实际上对于每个z值,您都会获得不同级别的2d椭圆,并且这些切片相对于z = 0平面对称。这说明您的椭球体不是一般性的,并有助于检查结果以确保我们得到的结果有意义。

假设我们得到一个通用点r0 = [x0, y0, z0]

r0 @ M @ r0 + b0 @ r0 + c0 == 0


M = [ A    B/2    0
     B/2    C     0
      0     0     G],
b0 = [D, E, 0],
c0 = F

其中@ stands for matrix-vector or vector-vector product

您可以使用函数和plot its isosurface,但这不是次优的:您将需要函数的网格近似,这对于获得足够的分辨率非常昂贵,并且您必须明智地选择采样域。

相反,您可以对数据执行principal axis transformation来概括您自己链接的parametric plot of a canonical ellipsoid

第一步是将M对角化为M = V @ D @ V.T,其中Ddiagonal。由于它是一个实对称矩阵,因此总是可能的,并且Vorthogonal。那我们有

r0 @ V @ D @ V.T @ r0 + b0 @ r0 + c0 == 0


(V.T @ r0) @ D @ (V.T @ r0) + b0 @ V @ (V.T @ r0) + c0 == 0

这激发了辅助坐标r1 = V.T @ r0和矢量b1 = b0 @ V的定义,为此

r1 @ D @ r1 + b1 @ r1 + c0 == 0.

由于D是一个对称矩阵,其特征值d1, d2, d3在对角线中,因此上式是

d1 * x1**2 + d2 * x2**2 + d3 * x3**3 + b11 * x1 + b12 * x2 + b13 * x3 + c0 == 0

其中r1 = [x1, x2, x3]b1 = [b11, b12, b13]


d1 * (x1 + b11/(2*d1))**2 + d2 * (x2 + b12/(2*d2))**2 + d3 * (x3 + b13/(2*d3))**2 - b11**2/(4*d1) - b12**2/(4*d2) - b13**2/(4*d3) + c0 == 0


r2 = [x2, y2, z2]
x2 = x1 + b11/(2*d1)
y2 = y1 + b12/(2*d2)
z2 = z1 + b13/(2*d3)
c2 = b11**2/(4*d1) b12**2/(4*d2) b13**2/(4*d3) - c0.


d1 * x2**2 + d2 * y2**2 + d3 * z2**2 == c2,
d1/c2 * x2**2 + d2/c2 * y2**2 + d3/c2 * z2**2 == 1



计算转换后的坐标[x2, y2, z2]
将它们移回(按r2 - r1)以获得[x1, y1, z1]
将坐标转换回V以获得r0,即我们感兴趣的实际[x, y, z]坐标。


import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

def get_transforms(A, B, C, D, E, F, G):
    """ Get transformation matrix and shift for a 3d ellipsoid

    Assume A*x**2 + C*y**2 + D*x + E*y + B*x*y + F + G*z**2 = 0,
    use principal axis transformation and verify that the inputs
    correspond to an ellipsoid.

    Returns: (d, V, s) tuple of arrays
        d: shape (3,) of semi-major axes in the canonical form
           (X/d1)**2 + (Y/d2)**2 + (Z/d3)**2 = 1
        V: shape (3,3) of the eigensystem
        s: shape (3,) shift from the linear terms

    # construct original matrix
    M = np.array([[A, B/2, 0],
                  [B/2, C, 0],
                  [0, 0, G]])
    # construct original linear coefficient vector
    b0 = np.array([D, E, 0])
    # constant term
    c0 = F

    # compute eigensystem
    D, V = np.linalg.eig(M)
    if (D <= 0).any():
        raise ValueError("Parameter matrix is not positive definite!")

    # transform the shift
    b1 = b0 @ V

    # compute the final shift vector
    s = b1 / (2 * D)

    # compute the final constant term, also has to be positive
    c2 = (b1**2 / (4 * D)).sum() - c0
    if c2 <= 0:
        print(b1, D, c0, c2)
        raise ValueError("Constant in the canonical form is not positive!")

    # compute the semi-major axes
    d = np.sqrt(c2 / D)

    return d, V, s

def get_ellipsoid_coordinates(A, B, C, D, E, F, G, n_theta=20, n_phi=40):
    """Compute coordinates of an ellipsoid on an ellipsoidal grid

    Returns: x, y, z arrays of shape (n_theta, n_phi)

    # get canonical grid
    theta,phi = np.mgrid[0:np.pi:n_theta*1j, 0:2*np.pi:n_phi*1j]
    r2 = np.array([np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi),
                   np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi),
                   np.cos(theta)]) # shape (3, n_theta, n_phi)

    # get transformation data
    d, V, s = get_transforms(A, B, C, D, E, F, G)  # could be *args I guess

    # shift and transform back the coordinates
    r1 = d[:,None,None]*r2 - s[:,None,None]  # broadcast along first of three axes
    r0 = (V @ r1.reshape(3, -1)).reshape(r1.shape)  # shape (3, n_theta, n_phi)

    return r0  # unpackable to x, y, z of shape (n_theta, n_phi)


A,B,C,D,E,F,G = args = 2, -1, 2, 3, -4, -3, 4
x,y,z = get_ellipsoid_coordinates(*args)
print(np.allclose(A*x**2 + C*y**2 + D*x + E*y + B*x*y + F + G*z**2, 0))  # True

从这里开始的实际绘图是微不足道的。使用3d scaling hack from this answer保留相等的轴:

# create 3d axes
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

# plot the data
ax.plot_wireframe(x, y, z)

# scaling hack
bbox_min = np.min([x, y, z])
bbox_max = np.max([x, y, z])
ax.auto_scale_xyz([bbox_min, bbox_max], [bbox_min, bbox_max], [bbox_min, bbox_max])


python - 如何在由二次方程定义的椭球的matplotlib中制作3D图?-LMLPHP

绕其旋转很明显,该表面确实相对于z = 0平面是反射对称的,这从方程式中可以明显看出。


您也可以使用其他库来可视化表面,例如mayavi,您可以在其中绘制我们刚刚计算的表面,也可以在其中内置compare it with an isosurface

09-12 01:49