
当我运行此程序并尝试使用双折旧功能时,它仅使用直线一。它忽略资产类中的double函数。这是为什么?另外,在我的main中,当有人输入无效的输入时,它会执行if循环,但随后会与main的其余部分一起继续,如何使它回到do while循环的顶部?

// Depreciation.cpp : main project file.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "Asset.h"
#include <limits>

using namespace std;
using namespace System;
char choice;

int main()

double c;
double s;
double l;
int y = 0;
bool wrongdata = false;

//normal input task; welcome message, input of 3 fields and output features -  with full data validation

cout << "Welcome to the Depreciation calculator!"<<endl;

    cout << "Please enter an Asset Cost: " << endl;
    cin >> c;
    if (!cin.good())
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
        cout<<"Please input a correct value" << endl;
        wrongdata = true;

    if (c == 0)
        cout << "Thanks for using my program!" << endl;


    cout<< "Please enter the Salvage Value: " << endl;
    cin >> s;
    if (!cin.good())
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
        cout << "Please input a correct value" << endl;
        wrongdata = true;
    if (s == 0)
        cout << "Thanks for using my program!"<<endl;
    cout << "Please enter the Asset life (in years): " << endl;
    cin >> l;
    if (!cin.good())
        cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
        cout << "Please input a correct value" << endl;
        wrongdata = true;
    if (l == 0)

        cout << "Thanks for using my program!" << endl;

    Asset a = Asset(c, s, l);
    cout << "The annual depreciation is equal to " << a.getAnnualDep() << " for Straight-Line and \n" << a.getDDDep(y) << " for one year of Double Declining" << endl;

    cout << "Would you like to see a depreciation schedule for Straight-Line, DDL, or Neither? (S/D/N)" << endl;
    cin >> choice;
    choice = toupper(choice);
    if (choice = 'S')
        cout << "Year   Start Value Depreciation    End Value" << endl;
        for (int i = 1; i <= a.getorigLife(); i++)

            cout << i << "\t\t" << a.getBegBal(i) << "\t\t" << a.getAnnualDep() << "\t\t" << a.getEndBal(i) << endl;

    else if (choice = 'D')
        cout << "Year   Start Value Depreciation    End Value" << endl;
        for (int j = 1; j <= a.getorigLife(); j++)
            cout << j << "\t\t" << a.getDDBBal(j) << "\t\t" << a.getDDDep(y) << "\t\t" << a.getDDEBal(j) << endl;

    else if (choice = 'N')
        cout << "Thanks for using my program" << endl;
        cout << "Could not understand your input";
        wrongdata = true;

} while (wrongdata);

return 0;

//asset class
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Asset.h"

Asset::Asset(double c, double s, int L)
ocost = c;
osalv = s;
oLife = L;
anndep = (c - s) / L;
double SLrate = (100.0 / L)/100;
DDanndep = (2 * SLrate) * c;
double DDrate = (2 * SLrate);

//declare arrays for starting and ending values
bbal = new double[oLife];
ebal = new double[oLife];
DDebal = new double[oLife];
DDbbal = new double [oLife];

//calculate straight line depreciation
bbal[0] = ocost;
DDbbal[0] = ocost;

    for (int i = 0; i < oLife; i++)
        if (i > 0)
            bbal[i] = ebal[i - 1];

        ebal[i] = bbal[i] - anndep;


 //calculate double depreciation

    for (int j = 0; j < oLife; j++)
        if (j > 0)
            DDbbal[j] = DDebal[j - 1];

        DDebal[j] = DDbbal[j] - (DDbbal[j] * DDrate);
        DDbbal = DDebal;



double Asset::getAnnualDep()

return anndep;
double Asset::getOrigCost()

return ocost;
double Asset::getOrigSalvage()
return osalv;
int Asset::getorigLife()
return oLife;
double Asset::getBegBal(int y)
return bbal[y - 1];
double Asset::getEndBal(int y)
return ebal[y - 1];

double Asset::getDDDep(int y)
return DDanndep;
double Asset::getDDBBal(int y)
return DDbbal[y - 1];
double Asset::getDDEBal(int y)
return DDebal[y - 1];


//class header
#pragma once
class Asset
Asset(double Cost, double Salvage, int Life); //constructor
~Asset(void); //destructor

double getOrigCost(), getOrigSalvage(), getAnnualDep();
double getBegBal(int year), getEndBal(int year), getDDBBal(int year), getDDEBal(int year), getDDDep(int year);
int getorigLife();
char choice;


double ocost, osalv, anndep, DDanndep;
int oLife;
double* bbal;
double* ebal;



请注意,在c ++中,=是赋值,而==是比较。


if (choice = 'S')



if (choice == 'S')

08-15 16:42